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COpies of the stone were sent to two different egyptologist one named Jean Francis Champollian and the other named something I cant think of right now I need to read my book again and I thought that I memorized all of this stuff by now. Well back later to finish all of this and I will finish this stufdf this time right now I need to get to my screaming baby.

The Rosetta Stone

From 452 to 1822 b.c.e. the ability to read hieroglyphic inscriptions on monuments and tombs, and papyrus texts using cursive scripts like demotic, was lost.

The Finding

The Rosetta Stone was discovered in July, 1799 in the city of Rosetta while of Napoleon's troops were demolishing ancient structures to make way for a fort. It wasnt till later that they realized what they had found and sent it to France for deciphering.