General Infomation
Harvest Moon originally appeared as a game
for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, in 1997.
Despite the decline in SNES interest at that time, it
became a classic. To some, the break from traditional RPG
game elements; fighting, killing, and experience building
was unthinkable. A game about
FARMING?!?!? Who cares!! But to the curious and adventurous gamers who did try Harvest Moon for the Super Nintendo discovered a gem. In the game was a self-contained world; where the decisions you made and the people you met determined how you would live, how much money you would make, and even who you would marry. |
Since that time, Natsume, the Japan-based game developer, has published a luke-warm hit on the handheld Nintendo Gameboy system. Essentially a conversion from the SNES HM, the benefits of the portable Harvest Moon GB were offset by the shortening of game elements to fit on the tiny cartiride. |
Enter Harvest Moon 64. Since the creation of the new Nintendo 64 sytem, Natsume has been pooling their efforts to herald in a new Harvest Moon. Titled "Harvest Moon 64" (U.S. version) has already been released in Japan as of March, 1999. The background of this page you are reading from now is an actual picture of the boxing Harvest Moon 64 comes with in Japan. |
Compairing the old Harvest Moon to Harvest Moon 64 is similar to compairing a Hot-Pocket to Thanksgiving dinner; there's a lot more in HM64, and it will satisfy you a whole lot more. Many of the aspects of Harvest Moon for SNES have been kept and added upon. For example, days slowly pass as you stand outside, and you can see morning fade into noon, and afternoon fade into twilight. The time system has been enhanced, however. In HM64, there is an actual clock to keep time, found on an inventory screen... so detailed it includes a second hand to measure the minutes! |
The world has also been enlarged exponentially. Where in the original you were limited to three regions (your farm, the town, and the mountains) The new Harvest Moon includes an entire world so large the game includes an accessable map, just like in Zelda games (See "A New World" section) This new and interesting world includes locations like the beach, the horse races, a vineyard, the query in the mountains, and much, much more. This additions gives another layer of depth to the game; truly creating a simulated world where you have the freedom to travel to different places and meet different people; that is, if you can fit it in your busy schedule. |
In the game, you assume the role of a young adult who has just assumed responsibility of a run-down farm from your parents. According to how you run your life, you can leave it a heap, or turn it into beautiful and lucrative acreage. By using tools, you will break rocks, chop down trees, and till the soil. Then, by purchsing seeds and other supplies in |
town, you grow plants, raise animals, and improve your farm. Options range from devices that improve your tools and farmland to contracting carpenders to add on to your house! Harvest Moon 64 holds a wide spectrum of options, adventures, and places to visit; enough for a self-contained world. It is out in stores now,be sure to pick up this treasure from your local retailer. I'll see you on the farm! |