How to make Karen your lovable wife. First of all Karen, is selfish bratty girl when you first meet her. But if you follow these tips and guidelines then you will see her on your wedding day. Where to find Karen: Day Time Usually by the wine house in the vineyard right across form your farm. Sometimes she can be found next to the carpenters house and on rare occasions the beach. Night Time: Karen is always at the bar at night time. Except for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday(bar is closed on Sunday) What to give her as gifts: Karen like most other girls like almost anything you give them except for weeds, rocks, and poison mushrooms. But every girl has a favorite gift. Karen's is are red berries and veryberry fruit. So save a couple of these babies to make her happy when there are non like summer and winter. Exactly how to get her to like you: First of all find some free time and go visit her. When you find her give her a gift. And also visit her at night also. Make friends with her parents and always dance with her. Where is see on festivals: On the !st of summer at night you can find her on the beach. Starry night the same place. For the new years eve party the bar. What She does When you marry her: She crates Eggs sometimes. Birthday- I think it is the 29 of winter Tip: Don't vote for her on the flower festival then you don't get to dance with her. But if you are married then it is a different subject. Tip: Never talk to her to much when she is in a white heart with you. I know many of the facts about the game in harvest moon. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them. --by Mike (wpmikulski@email.msn)