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A Belated Welcome Letter

WELCOME ALL TO KEANU REEVES AKA INDI'S COOLPAGE !!! I just wanted to let you all know a little about the webmaster..first of all my name is Sarah , I am 24 years old and the mother of a five year old daughter , I live in N.H. ( for those of you who can't abbreviate that is New Hampshire ) I am currently unemployed and have minimal access to the internet since my hard drive crashed and I can't afford to fix it..the internet access I do have is slow and I am not a patient person so I do not edit my entire and rather lenghthy page all at once but in bits and pieces instead..single and not searching..I found him ..just got to catch him..ha ha..hope that you all realize that I have not forgotten you and also that I am not Keanu and am not directly affiliated with Keanu not know Keanu and can not relay personal messages to Keanu not know if he has ever even seen my little piece of the pie here..if he has..well then " Hi there Keanu " not have his email you get my point already ?? I , like many of you , can only dream..thanks to all who have unwittingly lent me info and pics ...although the term lent does imply somehow that I will give them back..LOL..please keep coming by and thanks to those who have come and gone..I am so shocked and happy at the number of visitors I've had already and will check in whenever address and ICQ # and AOL instant messenger info I have posted are no longer valid so if I appear unresponsive to some of you who sign my guestbook and request email exchange then well..really it's not my fault..hope things will improve for me on the techno front so that I can cyber communicate on a regular basis once thinking of you..please make a wish for me that I get a NEW COMPUTER..Thanks a million times over..Indi aka Sarah

P.S. I would just like to say that I have borrowed a few pics and things lately(including my two matching bookends down there ), simply because I love them, so I hope that there are no hard feelings . Afterall, we all just LOVE Keanu , don't we ?

If you don't believe that this is a real Keanu homepage , you can ask him yourself.

Courtesy of the SKC

[Main Page | Chat | Part 2 | Part 3 | Jokes | Mail ]

Page of Someone Who Thinks that I don't have enough to say ..haha...and say Good Night Keanu...Good Night Keanu !!
