In making this web page I realized that there were so many people who deserved thanks for their wonderful help:
The List:
Thanks to Stacey who supported me and was always eager to know how things were going along!
who lended me the program to make this page
who inspired me in so many ways during the taking of his class. I learned to love nuclear proliferation and ethnic-nationalism which lead me to the development of this page. And no this is not an attempt to get a good grade. It is an honest statement.
who was one of the first ones to check out my page and actually tell me I was on the right track.
Who had to often deal with my meaningless rants and raves and the times when I was just having a bit "too much fun" designing my web page
who has been one of the best friends a person could have
you know who you are. I couldn't include you all. but thanks for your support.