My Graphics & Pet pages! :o) What you can do! -

Have you ever asked yourself what you can do? Well you should...If you don't have time to brush your own dog, don't worry. Neither do most people. That is why I have a job. :o) OK... here's a list of what you can do, not everything needs to be done everday. Some things are just what will help your dog live a happier healthier life.

That's all I can think of right now... I'm sure I'll have more. So come back & visit.

Feel free to email me with questions or comments. Please also feel free to sign my guestbook. It's getting pretty quiet in there, and I've already threatened every one that I could think of with death if they didn't. So please feel free to leave your own mark.

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All graphics on this page were made by ME! :o) I've been experimenting with PSP 5, & I highly recommend it. I have added graphic pages made with PSP 5 & other graphic programs. Go check out some of my art work! (PLEASE! *S*)