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Our other dog is Honey, she is 7 yrs old (she is a Golden too) and she was Annie's soul mate too. They used to kiss each other, play together and lay together. Honey always thought she was Annie's Mother, and Annie let her think that she was. They were great together.

Hubby walked both of them 4 miles a day, and she got to walk with Jake 3 days before she left us. She got to lay outside and watch the butterflies, birds and the cat across the street. Which she loved to do. She loved the grandchildren and they all came and said their goodbyes 2 weeks before she left us, and she did so love them too. In fact she loved everyone. I know why God wanted her.

We receieved a card from a neighbor and part of it said the following:

"There must be a heaven for the animal friends we love.
They are not human,
yet they bring out our own humanity....
sometimes in ways that other people cannot.
They do not worry about fame or fortune......
instead, they bring our hearts nearer to the joy of simple things.
Each day they teach us little lessons in trust and steadfast affection.
Whatever heaven may be, there's surely a place in it for friends as good as these."

The following is the little poem I did, not much but it says how we feel.

Dear Annie,

God gave us such a short time to give you our love
Then he said, I need you here above
You gave us so much from the very start
And you will forever be in our hearts.

Jake, Dorothy and Honey

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