Robbie was a stray at a shelter and was taken into Golden Retriever Rescue in August, 1998. While I was fostering him, he was treated for heartworm, and diagnosed with a mast cell tumor on his leg, as well as such bad arthritis in his elbows that the joints don't even show on x-rays.
After two aborted surgeries on his tumor, (and the fact that I had fallen hopelessly in love!), I decided to adopt him and keep him in hospice care with me. What had been suggested as a possible 6-month prognosis for him, has turned into 28 months as of now, December, 2000. I cherish and enjoy every moment that I have with my perfect little gentleman!
When I came home
for lunch today I knew it was time. My vet came over and helped Robbie to
the Bridge in my arms. He went very, very peacefully. He's now buried in
the backyard with my other golden angels, Alex and Moby. And cuddling with
his girlfriend, Abby, again. He took his favorite golden woobie with him to
the bridge! No more cancer, no more arthritis, no more kidney disease, no
more pain -- just eternal peace and happiness.
Click here to write to Robbie's family
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