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Working A Typical Wedding Day

Many times over the years, when telling people the price for say, a wedding, I have received reactions like, "Wow! This is easy money" or, "You've got it made!" Often times I've thought,
"If they could only follow me around for one day when doing a wedding!"

I'm going to take the time to do just that--here--online on my website.
Actually, I'm going to take you with me from the very start--at the initial contact.

Before The Day Of The Wedding

1. Initial phone contact, or email contact. Emails require the time to answer them in a timely manner.
2. Writing and mailing of contract and the time involved.
3. Printing out form results and creating a client file
4. Buying of current music--time and money involved
5. Upkeep and maintenance & replacement when needed of mobile equipment

The Day of the Wedding
(from beginning to end with time factors included; based on a 12noon to 4 pm reception)

1. 8:00 am-Getting dressed and ready
2. 9:00 am-Begin carrying equipment out and loading truck
3. 9:45-10:00 am-leave for reception
4. 10:30 am-Arrive at reception site, begin carrying in and setting up of equipment--usually a 1 hour job
5. 11:30am-Ready to play soft music when guests arrive.

During 12-4 Reception Hours

1. Speak with photographer, caterer, function hall manager to be sure everyone knows what's happening and when
2. Introduce wedding party, co-ordinate what's happening when so folks know what's next.
3. Provide DJ music for guests to dance, including taking of requests, always being aware of what's happening on the dance floor.

When 12-4 Reception Ends

4-5 pm--Packing up of all equipment and carrying to truck (usually 1 hr.)
5:00 pm--Driving Home (1/2 to 1 hr.)
5:30-6:00 pm--Unloading and carrying equipment in to where it's stored


As you can see with my example, it's a 10 hour, non-stop day. Factor in maintaining and sometimes upgrading the equipment, advertising expenses, buying new music at $12 per CD, etc., there are many expenses, too, as well as labor, necessary to put on your function.

Easy money? You be the judge. I can tell you that I always feel as though I've earned my fee.

I am my own office worker, "roadie" or mover and set up of the equipment, Disc Jockey, Master of Ceremonies, Karaoke DJ, and NH Justice of the Peace.

Consider what you might pay for other services that require going out on the road. A plumber, or a heating and/or refrigeration techician, a car mechanic. Especially consider the equipment necessary for us to make "house calls" to receptions.

Rick Tate
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