Speck of Paint, Speck of Life
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Speck of Paint, Speck of Life

It could make a motion at any given moment... downwards, upwards, backwards, sidewards.

It was fresh, fresh to mark upon the wall the color needed. However, as some of the paint sticks to the wall, one drop strays and drips down part of the wall. It begins it's journey. It begins it's life.

It's quick descent to the bottom will be marked by many highs and lows, obstacles and giveaways. Although the journey will go by fast, it will be a timeless event. An event for some, but the event of a life time for this obscure semi-solid.

Many will not notice it when it is gone, but it is still significant because it was a life. As the drip nears the end of it's first brick, it seems as though it wants to stay as it sits in a crevace. But life must move on, no matter what slabs of cement or electric sockets may lie ahead.

Ditches and cuts will not stop life from continuing. And so the life of this drop moves on to it's next obstacle.... It doesn't know what it is until it gets there, and you won't either. It will all come together at the site of thought..... the next obstacle.

A drip of paint nears a socket of electricity, where it could very well stop. However, it continues on past the socket, the teen years, and sails smoothly for a while. Another drip joins with this to form one big one, and eventually small pieces of this united drop come off of it, and begin their own journey.

And so they go their seperate ways, and the newborns are left on their own. There are subtle differences in the mainstream now. It continues into the lower portion of the wall. A new challenge lies ahead. The challenge of the end.

As it comes to the bottom of the wall, it stops and dries, another drip in the dust. But it's another name in the graveyard. But as a life it meant something. This is symbolic of human life. It will be there, dried forever. It will live on. And now begins a new era.

written by john and adam

Email: penguinz@hotmail.com