AT THE SHOW!!!!!!!!

Pilgrim Paws Numega: Practice for her praying routine for the judges! She does this on cue. She is a Brown Patched Classic Tabby.

Major with Leah and Rita on display for the last show of the SHOW SEASON.

Numega at the show in her cage! I know she is here!!! Penny Well's said she was at any rate. Just another of the Pilgrim Paws Mysteries.

I hope all of my fans enjoyed the snack table I brought with me. I did! (Major did too!)

Jane Perkins cage with one of our jointly owned boys! The first Blue Silver Tabby (Pewter), shown in CFF in many years. We continue to bring in the colors. We will next reintroduce a Cameo to CFF. (They haven't seen one since Harvey!)

Leah, Rita, Penny, and Jane at the recent show in Merrimack N.H. Had to capture them all wearing their American uniforms in one place.

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Page updated January 30, 2001






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