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This is what I have:
birthmother--Barbara Leonia Philbrook Saunders who was married to Donald Arthur Saunders.I have a paper from the Dr. who delivered me stating that Donald was not the father.They were both born in Rockland, Maine. The doctor was M. Elizabeth Wilbur and I was born in the Portsmouth hospital. The adoption was private and handled in the Probate Court of York County, Maine on June 10,1947. My adoptive parents were George and Marilyn Young Jubrias of Sanford, Maine.

Donald and Barbara had two children born before me. Both Donald and Barbara lived and worked in Portsmouth--he as a machine tool operator and she in a store. The birth was recorded in vol.6 page 52--the city clerk was Eileen Dondero.

My adoptive Mother was born in Rye, N.H. so I think Barbara may have been known by someone in her family. My adoptive Mother's family refuses to discuss this matter with me even though they told my adopted sister how to find her birthmother.THANK YOU!!