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Searching for Birth Parents, (1/2 ?) x 3 Siblings, And My Foster Parents:...
Karen Holland, being the 4 th Naturally Born Child of my Brown Haired, Brown Eyed,
Catholic, Window Display Artist, Violin & Piano Playing, (Probably 30 something- Beautiful,)
Mother, in the Lying-In-Hospital of Providence, Rhode Island...07-14-57, taken home to my
"new" parents, January 1959, after recovering from German Measles at my Foster parents Home... where I was during the first 6 Months of my life...Born on the French Holiday of "Bastille Day",
{ per my Possession of my Adoption Document/Legal Name Change and my (legally altered)
"Birth Certificate" } to L* E* W***** now L. "Sparrow" L*...

Restarting the journey that I started in 1978-79when I lived in Long Is., New York...
seeking the Re-union with my Natural Parents and at least my 3 older (possibly 1/2
siblings that I believe may have been raised with their/our natural mother...and being
the children of of our mother's husband... who may possibly be my natural father,
but my adopted mother thought not...whatever, I don't care one way or the other,
just want to find them...)

I Have been told since early childhood that I am of Maternally Native American Indian
Descent, and it's Powerfully Important to me and my three talented, musical, beautiful
and handsome older teenagers to find "our People!"

Also noticing the requirements for R.I. Law for Passive Registry , it does not allow for:
the Children of a "Deceased Adoptee" to register... So that means it's now or never...
before my natural parents or I,... die! Praying to be "Re-United..."

{ This goal being and approved of by my late (adopted) Mother, knowing how important
to me, she made itknown so that upon her death I would have my documents...and so I have
for 13 years waited to raise my kids, have gone back to college, graduated with Honors as a
Diploma'd Massage Therapist, and NOW find my People!}
