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mothers name: Gale Peckham
mothers maiden name: Taylor
Fathers name:Harold B.Peckham
my brother Harry lived with a foster care family in area of Barrington,Bristol,Warren or possibly N. Scituate Rhode Island from approximatly age 4 and was eventually adopted by that family At Approximatly age 7 I remember because we were able to have 1 last b-day party for him and it was his 7th B-day his adoptive parents last name is possibly Bilodeau and my brother Harry had medical problems(seizures)among other medical problems that i'm am not sure of i know he wore glasses . I am very anxious to find Harry as so is our other sister Laura and brother Danny we all have children of our own. most of all I have a deep sense of loss and emptiness inside my soul I deeply miss him please contact me with any information it would be greatly appreciated Thank You.
