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Reg# 1643

 My names is Steven Sadler.I am a adoptee from Providence R.I.
I got this idea from an amber alert fwd I received on my email.
I was hopeing you could help me get a message to as many people in R.I.
as possable.I have been searching for my birth parents for over 18 years.
I don't have much information.I was born on October 13,1970 at 9:50 am
at the Lying Inn Hospital,now Women and Infants Hospital.My mother was
only 16 and my father was 23 when I was born.My mother had left high
school her sophmore year hoping to return to school in the fall.To hide
her pregnancey from her step father she had moved in with her older half
sister.If you or anyone you know have any information that you think
might help me I would greatly appreciate any help.My email is .Please fwd this email to as many people you
Thank you in advance!!!
Steven Sadler