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Reg# 1653

Birth mother may be named Marie.  She was 13 years old at the time of my birth.  Birth father was named Larry.  He was 22 years of age.  Marie may have gone to a school for troubled teenagers in Maine shortly after my birth.  She reportedly named/called me Frankie.  Marie may have been involved with drugs and prostitution.  She gave birth to a biracial gir in 1979??

*****UPDATE 10/2009*****

Mother was 13 years of age at the time of my birth. Born at Lyon Inn hospital. Birthfather may have been in his 20s. DCYF was sent to my birthmother's residence because a neighbor suspected that I was being drugged. I was placed at St. Vincent's, reacquired by birthmother, replaced at St. Vincent's due to mother's drug use and prostitution. Mother may have been institutionalized in Maine or imprisoned in Maine. I was adopted in December of 1975.