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Reg# 1668

A State appointed intermediary contacted my bmom in 2005, and she "declined contact at this time". I know she was 20 at the time of my birth, and that she married (not my bdad) within a year after I was born, and I know her 1st name was Donna, and she lives somewhere in New England taking care of her elderly mother. She told the CI that she loves me and always has, but strangely had declined contact. I think she is scared to death......I don't really know.....I wish she wouldnt' be. I don't hold any animosity towards her whatsoever. I had a really good life. I would just like to be able to meet her. Her husband knows of me by 2 daughters who do not. My dad died in 3/05 and I do know his identity. He has 5 children but I have not attempted to contact any of them. (big chicken). the matter with my bdad is a bit complicated, as he was married twice. 2 children in the 1st marriage and 3 in the second. I was the product of an affair he had with my bmom and was born in between his 1st and 2nd child with the first wife. I believe his current widow is battling cancer at this time (he also died from cancer, so I have been reluctant to intrude on any of their lives at this time. .