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Dedicated to the unity of the North East/ New England seacoast region martial artists.

Together the various area arts and styles strive for excellence by looking for the similarities that they share, in the hopes of building a stronger martial artist community on a local level.

Who can join?

-Individual martial artists regardless of rank, age or style

-Schools regardless of style or lineage

Why join?

-If you’re truly interested in learning, this organization can break down the barriers and prejudices by looking not for the differences, but more importantly the similarities.

-Train and study with other styles as you enhance your training and build long lasting friendships with similar minded individuals.

-Be part of a fellowship that supports the local martial arts community.

What will membership cost me?

-Individual membership is $39.00 per year or $175.00 lifetime membership.

-School membership is $200.00 per year or $500.00 lifetime membership.

What do I get with my membership?


-Membership ID card

-Free participation at monthly training seminars held at participating schools

-Free monthly electronic newsletter (senshi kaiho)


-Charter of participation

-Free monthly electronic newsletter (senshi kaiho)

-Free advertising of school, and school events in the electric newsletter (senshi kaiho)

-Discounts for all active students within your school and SMAF hosted events

-Participation and hosting of monthly seminar at your school, where you teach and share your art with participating SMAF members (open to all active students within your school)

-Ability to submit articles to the electronic newsletter (senshi kaiho)

-Link off of the SMAF web page to your school

Call today at 603-335-4912

Mail in your checks care of Chris Bashaw, Seacoast Martial Arts Federation, 377 Portland St., Rochester, NH 03867, Please include your email address and school website address as well as info about your school for our newsletter

Make Checks payable to SMAF c/o Chris Bashaw

Favorite Links and Associated Schools of SMAF

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Free Web Building Help
Lycos - Search the Web
Mizu Tama Dojo
