Archives from 'The Secret Guide to Computers' and 'Tricky Living'

Here are excerpts from earlier editions of 'Tricky Living' (TL) and 'The Secret Guide to Computers' (SG).

We recommend you also read the newest edition (the 33rd edition of the 'Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living'), which is updated and more pleasantly laid out. To get it, phone 603-666-6644 (day or night, 24 hours) or view

Click on the chapter you want:

TL edition 1: eating fiber, soluble & insoluble
TL edition 1: how to deal with your career
TL edition 1: psychological tricks
TL edition 1: how to have a Southern accent
TL edition 1: a twisted look at prejudice
SG edition 29: tech jargon for monitors, printers, other I/O
SG edition 29: how to use a Mac
SG edition 29: how to use Linux
SG edition 29: how to use a Palm computer
SG edition 29: how to program in Java
SG edition 29: how to program in C and C++
SG edition 28: disks
SG edition 28: desktop publishing
SG edition 28: QBasic's fundamentals
SG edition 27: opening comments
SG edition 27: your future
