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Building My Own Site!

Hand me the nails please.

As you can tell I am building my own site!
A ladder and nails for a web page? Are you sitting there wondering why? Keep wondering ~~ I'll tell you later.

Hi I'm boots and I am the youngest. I was born December 27,1999. I was adopted on Feb 14,2000. My name was almost Valentine. I'm glad I was finally named Boots can you imagine the teasing I'd get with the name Valentine!

I just love to run. Mom say's I have a V8 under my hood. I hope thats good.
I also like to climb and jump. I really hate to stay still.
Dunkin says I even run in my sleep.


Thats a hard one I like everything. but I guess my favorite is hamburg and cottage cheese.
When I can get it strawberry ice cream.
(Don't tell Mom ~ I sneek some when she's getting the chocolate syrup)

I do like to cook

Mixing tuna is great, and I get to lick the bowl.
Mom gets mad if she's cutting anything. I could get hurt she says.

Ha with claws like mine a knife is nothing.

My favorite toys

I have a red toy mouse with a bell on his tail. Mom won't let me play with a real one. I like to play with it at night when everyone is sleeping.

I also love paper. Full sheets, news, and balls of paper. I don't know why its just so ~ noisy and fun to rip up, climb inside and crawl under.
When Mom makes it into a ball watch out! Thats when the real fun begins. Sometimes every one plays.
Fetch is so cool Mom throws the paper and we'll all go running.

Music I've just gotta have it!

Yes I love music. Not to wild and not to loud. I do like Elvis and a lot of folk and 50's tunes make me purr.
I just can't purr to a beat.
~ Don't laugh you try it.

Mom plays a lot of music and each of us has favorites
Dunkin likes jazz and country
~ wow they go together.
Smokie likes the blues and gospel.
They'll sit together and listen to it for hours.
Tigger he loves the 50's 60's and 70's. You know ~ real rock n roll.

Ok here it is ~ HA HA I'm not using a hammer and nails to build this site. I'm just a kitten and thought it was funny!
I do like to climb the ladder. Mom is always hanging pictures or fixing stuff, and I like to help.

Almost a year old (added Dec.3rd) I started my page back in April. My life has changed alot in a year. I've grown to be a very big cat. I'm bigger than My brothers Dunkin and Tigger. Smokie is very big.But I have time to grow. My vet says I am very healthy.
I hope your vet is as nice as mine.
~but~ His hands are COLD!

Message from~Dunkin,Smokie,Tigger and Boots

Ok here it comes.....
All of us here want to remind you humans
Neuter or Spay Your Pet!!!!
Don't forget to bring us to the vet!
Check ups are the best bet!
For a healthy pet!

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