I'm starting to feel my age now . Not as young as I once was. Jumping down is the hardest.
We now have a baby in the house, his name is Boots He's very cute. Though not as cute as I was at that age. Having a baby around is a lot of fun, sometimes I feel like a kid again. <^._.^>
There is a rug tree with a house on the top. When
I was very little 9 or 10 weeks. I really wanted to get to the top. I tryed and I tryed. I ate my meals (even when they were yucky) and I ran so I'd get stronger. I tryed to climb every thing I could. Even Mom and Dad! Every day I tryed to get to the top, all the others could. Some times Mom would put me up top. Do you know its not the same as doing it yourself.
at the top of the world
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