Dedication To Good People

What I think Makes a good friend

Ms. Simons You have gotten me through so much these past 3 years. Thank you. Your encouragement is what keeps me here standing. Thank you for your advice and protection.

MIKEOCK! Hi Mike ock! You're so great, thank you for hugs and listening to me bitch always! You're the best friend I could ever have. I love you hun!

Liz You, my dear spellmaker, have helped me figure out what this life really is. I hope we see each other more often. We have to get together and eat some fries! Yum yum! Thanks for letting me bitch when I need to :)

Heather You are my stronghold and keep my spirits up. Believe it, and you will fly.

Sabrina!Thank you for educating me on life, love and courage. I am so much stronger after knowing you.

Nicole My dearest and first best friend. I still remember the day we met. We've done a lot together and you've always been there for me. I love you babe!

Cory You are such a wonderful person. You have the kindest heart I have ever found. I hope someday that kindness will rub off on the world, for we need more people like you in it!:)

Dylan Hey you! You are a great spirit with so many talents. Thank you for showing me how to let loose and have fun.

E-val Hi Val. Don't give up on people. Just listen to Jewel and all shall be explained.

Nick Hello luv. We will Flash for Cash. I'll get myself some good money soon. Trust me :) Just practice dancing with your boa!

Chris Walker Hey man. Thanks for helping me understand life and giving me a chance to have fun

Doug! My little fire starter. Thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of pyrotechnics.

Cari Thanks for making a mere person feel very important. And thank you for helping me learn the "ways"

Stubert! Hi dear. You've been a great friend for me, and I am grateful for your kindess. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you.

Kelli Thank you for helping me believe in myself through Antigone and Purple Princess Pantyhose theifs, and Duct tape Girl. You make me feel like I can do anything. Thank you.

Reanna Thank you. You...I don't know what to say. You've changed my life so much that I can't even say. You helped me to see that life was worth living, and fun too.

Mel You are amazingly beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You deserve all the love this world can give, and more, so don't take anybody's shit, cause well, it's smelly!

Computer Nerd Beth, aka Beth Darling, aka Bambi Smile hun. Oh wait, I have 2 pictures of you smiling! I have proof! You are a very talented beautiful girl. Believe in yourself.

Linda Hey hun! You're so wonderful, trust me :) You are indeed a noble princess. Don't be afraid to trust, but don't be so open to pain.

Pam Thank you for being so supportive of me. You have helped me to change into the person I wanted to be last summer. I now believe in myself. FINALLY! Thank you so much

Micheal O' Dolan Thank you for just being, well, you! I look up to you, and am not afraid to be myself.

Dave Thank you for pushing me to play my guitar, and being a guiding light. Thank you for helping me through so much.

Jon Thank you so much for being such a great friend. Not to mention inspiration, I look up to you so much, but yet you don't have your head up in the clouds. You're so easy to talk to and relate to, I miss you dear. Come on over, and we'll play with plastic grapes :)

Jayson You crackhead! Stop tickling me! (ok, I lied, you can continue now...)

Mike The Camp Stud I'm so incredibly inspired and amazed by your talents. You have impressed me once again my friend.

Big Brother Jay Thank you big brother for showing me the way. You are the nicest person I have come across in my life. Thank you for letting me cry.

Big Brother Kevin Stop beating me up big brother! I'll make you have less children, if you can have em anyway. Thanks for listening and giving me good advice.

Mike The Karate Stud You silly! You have to teach how to wrestle ;)

Heather Bruno You're so wicked cool and I love how you're not afraid to be yourself and do what you want. You gorgeous thing you! Don't ever let anyone push you around!

Chelsea You are an adorable wonderful friend. You are full of spunk and vibrance, and if stupidheads don't see how super you are, remember, they're stupidheads.

Matt Hi kiddo! You are so awesomely *is that a word?* fun and you help me to try new things. Thanks for being patient.

Andy You are a kind and skilled director and a friend. Always there when wanted, needed or just plain old felt like it. *even if you do like American Beauty* I still think you're pretty damn cool.

Tiffanie You're such a great friend from work, we have to hang out without the WOS sometime!

And of course...Steph You may not be easy to deal with sometimes but I love you sis...

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