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Asian Pride Thang

This site is under construction

Hey wassup everybody and welcome to my AP domain which is powered by ASIANS so that means that everything in here will be created by nothing but asians. This place is new so I'll update it alot and add alot more stuff, Well peace for now.


Love Poems

Picture Galleries

Asian Love Pix
Graphic Images

Jokes & Stuff

You Know You're Asian If...
How To Be A Cool Asian
Why Some Asian Girls Hate Asian Guys
Why Some Asian Guys Hate Asian Girls
How To Be A Perfect Asian Kid
I'll Be Missing You FOB Version
How To Be A Asian Gangster
You Know You're Vietnamese If...
Asian Chic Test

Chinese Zodiac

Rat-----72', 84', 96'
Ox ------73', 85', 97'
Tiger---74', 86', 98'
Rabbit--75', 87', 99'
Dragon--76' 88', 00'
Snake---77', 89', 01'
Horse---78', 90', 02'
Goat----79', 91', 03'
Monkey-80', 92', 04'
Rooster-81', 93', 05'
Dog-----82', 94', 06'
Pig-----83', 95', 07'



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