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Nicky Santoro

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Tommy Willer vs Nicky Santoro
Standard Match

Fisher - I have been waiting for this one all night! The big talking, pot smoking Tommy Willer up against the cool and cocky Nicky Santoro.

Jones - I am sure the wWw wrestlers backstage are hopeing for Santoro to beat the life out of Willer here tonight.

[ Tommy Willer makes his way out, chewing the gum and having his hands raised confidently in the air. He walks out to a chrous of boo's from the fans who have obviously not liked his attitude since signed with the wWw. Willer gets into the ring as the boo's continue to be heared. Santoro then runs out to the ring with a major cheer from the fans, he slides in the ring and Santoro is looking like he wants to tear Willer apart. Santoro is hitting a numerous amount of punches of Willer as he picks him up, lifting him above his head and then dropping him hard to the canvas. Santoro then begins to stomp the life out of him as Willer quickly rolls out of the ring. Fans cheer, as they can see Santoro is all over Willer. Willer gets back into the ring and Santoro does not waste going straight for him. Willer gets dropkicked to the floor then gets put back up again by Santoro. Who then throws Willer to the ropes, as he comes off Santoro nails him back into the canvas with a powerful bodyslam.. ]

Jones - Boy isnt Santoro on a roll here tonight.. no doubt he has wanted to do this all week

Fisher - Willer has been no match for Santoro so far, will it continue? Bet your life on it!

[ Santoro attempts a suprise cover but is only able to get a two count. The fans are cheering even louder as Willer really looks out on his feet. Santoro laughs and stares down into Willer as he mutters a few words to him. Santoro lifts him back up to his feet then hitting him with a suplex, Santoro hits Willer with a few boots and then picking Willer back up to his feet and jabbing him with a few punches.. ]

Jones - Now Santoro is looking in complete control here tonight.. Willer has no reply

Fisher - He does not deserve a chance to get at Santoro after all he has said this week.

[ Santoro gets Willer back up to his feet and nails him with a huge twirl a whirl slam. Wiler's head bounces off the canvas as he slowly gets back to his feet. Santoro then throws Willer to the ropes, as he comes off Willer gets nailed with a brainbuster by Nicky, he then attempts a cover this time the referee counts the successful three.. ]

Fisher - I enjoyed every moment of that match! Willer deserved that beating..

Jones - Now dont be too harsh on this guy, he deserves a lot more respect! I am sure this is not the last time these two meet in the ring.

Winner - Nicky Santoro


Alkatrazz vs Nicky Santoro
wWw Ringmaster Championship Match

Jones - Now we will decide the new wWw Ringmaster Champion, either Alkatrazz or Nicky Santoro

Richards - It is about time someone takes the place of Falcon, he has been no good at all.

Jones - Well he is undefeated!

Richards - Would you shutup?

[ Alkatrazz is the first man to makes his way out to the ring, as he looks quite serious heading to the ring. He slides under the ropes, and starts to warm up as Nicky Santoro walks out to a tremendous response from the fans. The two step closer and closer before just standing there and stare at each other. The two then just unload with numerous punches as the two then stumble over the top rope, they both get back up and continue to punch each other senseless. Before Santoro blocks one, and then suplexs Alkatrazz. Santoro breaks one half of the steel steps in off, then throwing it on the back of Alkatrazz. Santoro then exposes some of the concrete and sets up Alkatrazz for a piledriver. Though Alkatrazz reverses the hold and nails a back-body drop, as Santoro's back hits the concrete.. ]

Richards - Look at those two fools, busting their ass and both of them will end up hurt in the end.

Jones - Well, they are that deseparate to hold gold in the wWw, so I suppose they would do anything for it.

[ Santoro holds his head in pain, as Alkatrazz throws him inside the ring. As he does this, he soon follows and begins laying the boot to his head. Santoro rolls out of the way for one of the boots, then trips up Alkatrazz. The momentum has switched back to Santoro as he begins to pummel Alkatrazz into the ground with a few joint fists. Alkatrazz slowly gets back up to his feet, and Santoro gives Alkatrazz a rake to the eye, then a swinging neckbreaker. Santoro grabs a handful of Alkatrazz's hair raising him back to his feet, and executing a back breaker. Alkatrazz is looking in a bit of trouble, holding his back, as Santoro gets him back up and swings him into the ropes.. ]

Jones - Hmm.. I wonder what Santoro has in store for Alkatrazz here..

Richards - Well hopefully a wrestling move, Shaun, please tell me you were joking right?

Jones - .. *sighs*

[ As Alkatrazz comes off, Santoro attempts a clothesline, but Alkatrazz ducks and nails Santoro with an atomic drop. Alkatrazz attempts a cover, though Santoro is able to get his shoulder up. Alkatrazz raises Santoro to his feet, as Santoro nails Alkatrazz with a few punches to the gut. Then Santoro sends Alkatrazz's head crashing face first to the canvas with a bulldog. Santoro looks awfully tired, as he struggles up the top rope, afterwards landing a vertical splash on Alkatrazz, then hooking the leg for the three count and the wWw Ringmaster Championship.. ]

Jones - What a match! Both men gave it their all and Santoro has walked away with the gold.

Richards - Look at him though, he wished he never had of gotten into the match in the first place.

[ As Richards says this, CashnMoney heads to the ring. He attacks both Santoro and Alkatrazz to the ground, before the wWw security is able to get out there and stop him. He begins yelling and carrying on, before being sent back to the showers.. ]

Jones - Well that was un-called for, CashnMoney has just beaten Santoro and Alkatrazz senseless in that ring.

Richards - Ha! I would not have guessed that one, thats for sure!

Winner - Nicky Santoro
New wWw Ringmaster Champion

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