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Name: Andrew Marco Scarpulla (Andy)
Instrument: Guitar/Throat
Favorite String/Drum: A String
D.O.B.: 9/8/80
Favorite NES games: Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out, Kung-Fu, Mega-Man 1-3, Dragon Warrior
Favorite Food: All, Im a fat kid.
Favorite Bands: Bad Brains, Descendents, Minor Threat, Dag Nasty, Kill Your Idols
Worst Band: Embrace Today
Favorite non-hardcore artists: The Beatles, Madonna, The Police, R.E.M.
Brag a little, what are some video games you’ve finished?: Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy 2 & 3, Mike Tyson’s Punch-out, Mega-Man 1-3, Castlevania 2, 3, & 4.
What game are you better than anyone else in the world at?: Street Fighter 2 for SNES
Reason why we don’t practice: Topher is always playing video games and Matt is always playing with his car or golfing.
Biggest suck kid you know: Tophers Brother
Favorite brand of Peanut Butter: Reese’s
Favorite Beverage: Sprite, Mint Snapple
Hours per day spent online: 1-2
Favorite Movie: Breakfast Club, Back To The Futures, Star War’s, Billy Madison, Tommy Boy, Dirty Work.
Car you drive: ‘86 Chevy Cavalier "The Nern"
Wal-mart, K-mart, or Target: Wal-Mart Favorite 80’s TV shows: The Wonder Years, Full House, Thundercats, Voltron
Best show you’ve been to: Descendents @ the Stone Pony in December of ‘96
H.W.C. name: El Andy
What do you think of Brick Wal-mart not being open 24 hour any more?: I cried when I found out. A part of Bricktown died that night.
How You Doin’?: Oh, Im doin.