My new custom snorkel!!
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undefined (sorry for the bad pic. quality, click on each image for better quality.)

The reason that I made this snorkel was not so I could constanly go into deep water, rather to vent the air intake to a higher place incase I end up in water past the hood latch. The following design is NOT fool-proof, and is not recomended, but if you decide to follow these steps, remember that you are doing so at you own risk.

I used 2" pvc piping, One 90 degree joint, and two 45 degree joints. I started by cutting the oridinal end off of the air intake. Next I removed the itake resivoir behind the left headlight. I then started cutting the holes for the tubing.

Here is the first hole. I removed the air intake box from behind the light. Then I took off the fender and cut out a hole in the front of the engine compartment wall. There was already a hole there, which was used for running wires. I simply took my Sawzaw and went at it until the hole was the right size.

The second step was cutting a hole in a space below the widsheild. This is OPTIONAL. Some guys simple route the tube back into the engine compartment. For example:Allen Jensen , I on the other hand like to be different. Either way works fine. The hole is approximately 2 1/2" in diameter.

The third step was to test the size of the holes bye putting all of the tubing togehter without glue.

This is a picture from inside the engine compartment. You can see that the original intake is about 2"in diameter also. For the moment I used a wire tie to hold it together. The original intake tube was located between the radiator and radiator overflow resivior. Obviously a voulnerable place for water to get sucked in.

And here's the final product.