The trail
The trail is located in Waynesboro PA, off RT. 16 about 10 miles from Rt. 81. The land is privately owned and the gate is always locked unless you get permission to wheel there.
We decided to go to the trail-head in two groups becuase there were so many trucks there. I managed to get pictures of the second group as they traveled up the first few hunderd yards of the trail which was a fairly steep off-camber hill climb with several large rocks hidden by the snow. Some had trouble and needed a push but others walked right up (lockers were definately a help)
As more trucks climbed the hill the more torn up it got, and more compacted and slipped the snow got. To make things even worse, the tree in the left of the picture sounded like it was about to fall down right on the trail. You can see how far down the hill the trail begins if you look in the back of the pictures next to the house. After everyone was safely up to the top of the hill and begining to progress up the next one, a few of us had to take a breather from helping a few of the unlocked trucks.
After cooling down we began traveling up to the next obstacle called the GATE KEEPER. To get there we had another long hill climb but it was not as rough as the first one. Once all trucks were at the top of the mountain, we got out to see what the hold-up was. We heard some loud engine reving coming from the front of the line and decided that we better go find out what was going on. When we got there, the orange jeep(with the 360) was stuck on the Gate Keeper and could not get off of the obstacle becuase he got turned sideways some. The Gate Keeper is a series of rocks about 6 feet high with some tire size cracks in the middle. On the right side is a huge boulder blocking the route so the driver is forced to try and climb dirctly over the tire sized cracks to get to the top. ;
The snow was definately making a huge difference also becuase just geting the front tires up on the rocks was becoming a problem. After we got the jeep off the rock, it was time for a cruiser to take a try. After getting the right line and a little spinning they went right up and over. Then it was time for "the Pig" to go. The pig is the huge green cruser pictured below.
When The pig pulled up to the Gate, it was obvious that it was no match, they threw it in gear and crawled right over it no-problem. Brian in his '92 extra cab P/U also made it over the gate, as well as the blue mini which were both locked front and rear.
When we were done watching everyone who wanted to try the gate keeper we headed down the trail which lead us about half way down the mountain where it intersects the mian trail. As we got closer to the hill the traffic stopped again.
When I got to the front of the line I saw the blue toyota mini and it looked like it dropped off a cliff. I walked over the edge of the hill and i couldn't believe how steep it was. I could understand on a dry warm day how this would be possble, but it was like a ski slope, low gears weren't even going to help here. As soon as the trucks crested the hill they slid to the first stop wich was about 30 yards downhill. That was the worst part of the hill. Both the scout and the one landcruser lifted their back left wheel here and almost rolled to the bottom.;
While the next truck was lining up for the descent Zach and I decided to walk to the bottom of the hill to get some more pictures. Well that worked out to be harder then we thought. I ended up sliding down most of the way on my but. we stopped at the first turn to watch the a nissan p/u which was stock except for 29 inch super swamper tires.
As soon as he started down the hill it was bad, he slid all the way down to the turn, and almost lost it. then proceeded to the next downhill part and again slid all the way down before a log stopped him and put a pretty good dent in the passenger side fender. After he made it down I went to the bottom of the hill to get a shot of the last one to try the hill. We watched as the orange jeep bounced and slid down the hill nearly missing the large tree in the bottom of the picture. We were glad that no-one rolled, or was injured. It was a rush just watching them go down, maybe next time I'll have to see for myself what it feels like to actually try it
In all the day was great. There was a lot of action, and a lot of stucks like this one pictured here. This mini rocked. It had the new M.T. bear claws, a marin crawler case, onboard air, custom bumper, gears, lockers, winch, it was bobbed....the whole nine yards, but as we all know, no-matter how much you do to your truck you always find a way to get stuck. Here we had to jack up the rear end and winch him forward so the tire would rest on the rock but the rear end turned a little too far to the left and it slipped off the rock and landed on the diff. we decided the best option was to let the winch do the work and it worked out fine, no damage was done.