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Welcome to Breezy's Poetry Spot

Sisters of the Muses

Breezy is my very best friend, we are like sisters. She is an awesome person and wonderfully talented, imaginative person. She is a fresh*wo*man at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania. She loves to chat and write. Enjoy her poetry!!!!


"Fresh As The Morning Dew"
By: Breezy

i see you
in my sight
i'll always see you
see you as
you were once
once when you were my morning dew
i loved you
true and true
and when fell
out of love
so did i
but i'll always remember
remember when
when we were as one

"Love's Shadow"
By: Breezy

in midnight's eye
i can see
someone coming near
should i fade
into the background dark?
or should i stay and wait it out?
confusion swirls and mists
in my mind
scences drawn out
i'll play my part
with a stanger in the night
this is fate
this is love
always and forever

"My Own Zorro"
By: Breezy

he rides like thunder
there is never a blunder
as a swift flash of silver,
a graceful arch of his sword
and the snap of the whip
the obstacle is clear
the prize takes center stage
in his vision she is everything
a smile and a sparkle in his eye
he advances to steal
the promised kiss
as she bows her head,
face tinged pink
in the blink of and eye,
astride his thunder he is gone
to be remembered and
cherished as a hero.

Write to:Breezy

Flutter on over..

To Angel's Poetry Palace
