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The Dreamer

Take hold of my hand
meet Dream Catcher my pegasus
friend with the starry eyes
Afloat her wings you will sail
on a gentle breeze and lullabye

Slide down my rainbow
walk across the bridge
and the murming stream
step through the waterfall
and enter this world unseen.

Beyond the mists and shadows
live otherworldly creatures
Who will enchant you
with magic and wishes
and promise of love true.

The faeries dance
unicorns frolick
angels sing
dragons can fly and
mermaids and nymps swim

And in this tale the
dreamer always wins
Here lies a haven
just waiting for you
let the dreaming begin.


WARNING: Graphics Intense Site-please be patient, it is worth the wait I assure you!

I guess by now you've realized I'm the ultimate of dreamers. I welcome you into my imagination. Enjoy the escape from reality as you read of my fantasies, wishes and dreams.

Phantasmic Faeries
By: AngelMuse

Through the forest
upon nimble feet they dance
playing innocents
in the wild flowers they prance
as they flitter and flutter
on gossamer wings
with soft sirenous
voices the faeries sing
enthralling you and seducing
you into the web of
their enchanted ring
sprinkling their midnight magic
and weaving senusous dreams

Be wary ye lonesome fools
who wander the night
and cast thy eyes away
from this captivating sight
mayhap not now
nor on the 'morrow
but ultimately these
alluring creatures
will only leave thee empty
and alone with thy sorrow.

Another Sleepless Night
By: AngelMuse

I lie awake in the wee
hours of the night
waiting with baited breath
for you to ride into my dreams
and make everything alright.
Just a silly notion
in the heart of a
dreamer, I suppose
Can a wish on a star
really come true?
Who knows.
Slay this dragon
that guards my
locked tower door
be my charming prince
the champion of my heart
rescue me from the clutches
of loneliness and sorrow
show me a brand new start
a fearless tomorrow
I yearn for the fates
to lead you to my side
so I no longer have
to silently cry.
For now I will
content my heart
with my dreams
and thoughts
filled with imaginings
of you.

"Faerfly Fantasy"
By: AngelMuse

That tiny glitter
in the deepest night
draws me foward
mayhap a firefly?

Drawing closer the
light begins to take form
my childlike sense
of wonder inborn.

I feel not the wind
as it rushes past
I hear not the voices
calling me back.

Soft whispers
tinkling bells
fill the air as
my heart swells.

A gossamer web
weaves me into it's fold
lured by the magic
of mysteries untold

My body begins
to tingle and glow
a radiating warmth
seizes me and grows.

My feet no longer
touch the solid ground
I realize I'm floating
and gaze around.

Above the treetops
the light has brightened
my sense of wonder
in amazement heightens.

Carried forth upon
whimsical wings
my attention captured
by the faerie ring.

As if my wish was
silently heard
I'm whisked off
downward without a word.

Into the heart of
the ring I am placed
faeries dancing and singing
to my prescence unfazed.

Ribbons of color
they wrap around me
flitting and fluttering
with impish glee.

The moon's light
cast upon the ring
conjuring up many-

My link to 'reality'
gone for now
to enjoy my escape
the faeries allow.

They entertain me and
lend these fantasy wings
playing fae music teaching
me the true way to sing.

My soul has not been
tell-tale stolen away
but my heart yearns
to forever stay.

Tucked away in a blanket
of serenity and dreams
I feel a floating sensation
my body once again seized.

I wave goodbye
to my faerie friends
blow whispered kisses
of thanks on the wind.

Opening my eyes
surrounded by mist
once more in my realm
forever magic-kissed.

Fireflies flitting,
blinking overhead
a smile plays softly
as visions of faeries
flutter in my head.

"Restless Spirits"
By: AngelMuse

Restless spirits
trapped in time
fear not the dark
your souls sublime
wandering and wondering
what of your past lives
how did you get here
where are the ones
that you once loved
why are you hovering
between reality and
this torturous hell....
Let me lend you an ear
to hear your stories
my voice to speak
your heart
to perish the
lonely hours
you are invisible
to all but a few
I am one that
hear your cries
I am one that
sees the tears
gather in your eyes
I am one that knows
your pain
and I am one of them
I am one of the
restless soul
cursed with a gift
I see things
to the human eye
I feel things
that mere words
cannot describe
I dream of things
that happen the next day
and it is within
my soul that
a kindredness lays.
Restless spirits
still your tremors
cease your cries
and at last surrender
see the light
it's bright..
'tis true
but all your
loved ones
are waiting for you.
In their arms
you'll glide gently
and at last find
everlasting peace.

Twilight Dreams Design
Where I got my background for.

Pegasus Snowglobe

Flutter back over to...

Poetry Palace
Kristy's Cloud
