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Angels Entertain Li'l Kristy

This page is dedicated to poems, songs, and words about Kristy, please enjoy them.

To My Li'l Angel Kristy
Love, Your cousin Bethy

God and Jesus
hear your cries
and the angels
sing you lullabies.

Be brave
my Kristy girl
be the fighter
we know you are.

I know it hurts
I know you're scared
but sweetie please
remember we care.

When you're sad and
lonely, go ahead and cry
wish on a star
in the night sky.

An angel lives on
each star up there
so close your eyes
and say a prayer.

When you see colors
arch across the sky
you know it's a rainbow
that will dry your eyes.

In the deep ocean
they sing their songs
Ariel and the mermaids,
telling you to be strong.

Simba and Nala,
Timon and Pumbaa too
are all playing tag
and rooting for you.

Beauty and Beast
are reading stories
as Cinderella shimmers
in all her glory.

Princess Jasmine,
Aladdin and Abu,
Genie and Raja
are all saying "We love you!"

Snow White and her
Seven Dwarf friends
are drawing pictures
with Barbie and Ken.

Baby Bop, Barney
and BJ as well
are at the ocean
collecting bright shells!

Mulan and Cri-Kee,
Pocahontas and Flit
they are all whispering
"Kristy, don't quit"

So as you see Angel,
you have lots of pals
who are throwing you a party
and wishing you well!

So don't feel so
very sad and alone
just remember all of us
above and at home!

And tell that big
'ole scary Cancer
Moster to leave
our Kristy Alone!

That is a poem I wrote for Kristy when she went back to C.H.O.P. I went for a visit and brought it with me. She had just gotten out of surgery so she was in and out of it. I was holding her hand gently, and then got up, my sister sat down. I retrieved the poem and said "Bethy wrote a poem for you, do you want me to read it to you?" My sister said "Maybe later." But Kristy opened her eyes, tried to sit up and demanded "Read it now!" and read it I did. *smiles* I almost think I glimpsed a small smile grace her mouth. That poem I sent with her to heaven, as well a small guardian angel pin.

An Angel named Kristy Lyn Pembleton
By: Angel O'Verse
Dedicated: to a real angel

Dear Lord, in Heaven
please listen to my prayer
A li'l angel of your own
needs your love and care.

Her little angel wings
are being weighed down
please send your angels
to guard all around.

A miracle you allowed
when she was just a babe,
but now she's older and aware
that the cancer has invaded.

Give her strength
to keep on fighting
and surround her with your love
and heaven's angelic lighting.

Her big brother Matt
also needs your love
please give him strength
from up above.

Hold him when
he needs to cry
and answer his questions
When he wants to know, "Why?!"

Hold her mommy
and daddy by the hand
and try to help
them understand.

Give our family much
needed strength too
to see our li'l fighter
make it bravely through.

When she is hurting
and sad and alone
angels wrap your wings around her
and sing her a soothing lullabye song.

Sing of "Castles
On A Cloud"
and sing it clear
and sing it loud.

That's mine and Kristy's
song we sing
and all this time
her voice has been her wings.

Her beautiful head of
soft curls, her halo..
her sweet smile
her angel-glow.

Her impish giggle
the bells that ring
that's the sound of
another angel, recieving wings.

Gently wipe away
her raining tears
and God, please
ease her pain and fears

I beg of you Lord
heal the cancer
throw her back into remission
and find the answer!

If you see it fit to take
her with you back home
gently whisper in her dreams
that she won't hurt or be alone.

At the same time of writing Kristy's poem, I also wrote this prayer for the family.

By: Angel O'Verse

This senselessness
has taken away
what I believed...
the good, the bad,
we've all been decieved.

One day upon
a young girl's
naive dream
the dangers of life
remained unseen.

But that was then
(just a star away)
and this is now,
(here and today)
everything is false now

I now see the
mistake in my thoughts
life used to be carefree and true
as I sit by your side
wishing for you.

You life lays
waiting for you
so innocent and young
but life's hits on you
have already stung.

I wish I could
take away all
your hurt and pain
and wash it away
with summer's rain

Like a flower
before my eyes
you'd bloom
and dazzle the world
like the full moon

Senselessness was written

"Missing You, Kristy"
By: AngelMuse

My li'l Kristy
oh how much I miss you
with each tear I shed
each dream waiting to come true..
I know you look down from heaven
I wish you were here with us instead.

I glance at the
evening sky and
wish on a star
that you're still close by.
I can hear your sweet voice sing
Even though it seems you've gone so far.

You are playing with
God's angels right now
But I wish I could hold you
again, somehow.
I'd make up a silly story about
alligators and princesses for you.

I yearn to touch
that tiny nose
or count "This li'l piggy"
on your toes.
I remember bath-time
with "ItsyBitsy"

Once more I'll waltz
you around the room
as we spin to Cinderella's
"Ten Minutes Ago" tune.
Tell me of your "Castle on a Cloud"
is there really no crying at all allowed?

"Whispering Wind"
By: AngelMuse

I never thought
I could feel like this
but God has granted
me my wish.

You came from
somewhere up above
to bless this world
and show us how to love.

You've touched me
beyond words
you've taught me
to have courage

Although in body
you're no longer here
in spirit and heart
you ease my fears.

Sometimes I look to
the clouds in the sky
and think I see my angel
peeking out to say HI

Oftentimes in life
when I feel so alone
on the whispering wind
I hear our castle song.

I was given the honor of featuring Feenix's angel art on my page. She's an incredibly talented artist and inspiring women. You can e-mail her at

"How Can I?"
By: AngelMuse

How can I go on
in a world so cold
without your tiny
hand to hold?

How can I keep
my head held high
and will myself
not to cry?

How can I sing the
songs that were ours
without raining down
teardrop showers?

How can I read and
write stories to others
when it is you who
inspired me, not another?

I've been drifting
through my life
carrying around this
grief and strife.

Somedays I haven't
even a single prayer
I wish to float up
and see you there.

I know it's time to
move on and let go
but this pain runs much
deeper than it shows.

"Baby Minnie Mouse"
By: AngelMuse

Down the aisle, your
aunt thinks I will go
holding baby minnie
mouse and never letting go.
So many nights
as I cried outloud
she caught my tears
and stifled the sound.
Each night I place
her in my arms
she enters my dreams
keeping me from harm.
Her left ear still carries
the baby-scent of you
she rattles and I imagine
you're laughing too!
So when I feel the
tears streaming down
I hold her close
making a smile of my frown.
Memories of you
bittersweet as they seem
console me during sleep
of your li'l angelness I dream.

BabyMinnieMouse Snowglobe
As far as I know the rest of these graphics are free-domain. I will continue to search for the owners of them, if you know of them, or know for a fact that these are copywritten..please notify me, so I can give credit-where credit is due.

Stay tuned for more poetry. I will have up the 1 yr after poem on a seperate page. When I find more time and energy.

Flutter On Over To....

Tony Silver's(my dear friend) KRISTY POETRY (((new page)))
My TRIBUTE POEM for Kristy-published
Kristy's Cloud
My Poetry palace
*~Angel's Cloud Of Verse~*