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Tribute to Kristy

I wrote this the day of the viewing...after I had said "I will NEVER write again!" But through divine intervention, God's love and li'l angel I believe this poem came through me. The words are a bit blurry, sorry if you cannot read it. Here it is:

Touched By An Angel
By: Anglncgnt0
In loving memory of: Kristy Lyn Pembleton
(1994-1998) My li'l Angel

Her sparkling eyes
lit the darkest of hearts
now her sweet angel voice
sings to our saddened hearts.

Her beautiful head of
soft curls, her halo..
her sweet smile
her angel-glow.

Her impish giggle
the bells that ring
she has recieved
her own pair of wings.

Kristy brought light
into each life she touched
and all who knew her, love
and miss her so much.

High up in Heaven
she's smiling down
whispering to the world
"I'm your li'l guardian angel now."

We've all been blessed
though only for a short time
to be touched by an angel
who brings sunshine.

Kristy's Cloud
Angels Entertain Li'l Kristy
My Poetry Palace
Flutter back to the castle...