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The Hopeless Romantic

Ah romance, love, chivalry, soulmates-hopeless aren't I? I searched far and wide for a background for this page and when I found it my heart leapt. Were I to continue to grow my hair(which I plan on doing) I could really be that beautiful maiden. Just look, the shade of our lovely locks are of the same hue. Mayhap in other time, another place she could have been me? And I could really be her? Pray tell, what say you? Once upon a time...
Knight In Shining Armor
By: AngelMuse

and seeking solace
from the pain
comfort me with thy warm embrace
kiss away each worry that doth crease my face
ease my fears with thy soft words
wipe away these tears that burn
stealeth me away in the middle of the nigh'
be my shining, armored knight
let me rest gently in thy arms
sheild my own anguished heart
against reality's harms

By: Angel O'Verse

Destined to loneliness
cursed by the stars
and cast away by fate
is this fair maiden's demise..
'Though knights in
shining armor live
within her dreams... and handsome rogues
defend her honor
and mysterious men
and suitors grand
come by the hundreds
to seek her hand..
Cruel, cold reality
grips with icy claws.
Pulling her away
from the safety of
their arms...and the whispers
of tremulous love...
paining her and beating
her into the cold earth...
Her eyes cast down
as tears cloud
her misty vision...
a shiver runs up her spine
she feels a soft whisper
against her ear.
She gazes into his eyes...
he stands-wings open
and beckons for her worries.
His hands raised up
caressing the moonlit sky.
He embraces her close
as she silently cries.

Angel of Midnight
Inspired by the romance novel of the same name
By: Angel O'Verse

The Devil of Midnight
concealed in the dark wood
as the shroud of loneliness
shadows his misty past.
Fighting as a Robin Hood
or a masked Zorro, for
justice and rescuing
the weak in despiar
So cunning a man
quick on Nemesis his stead,
a shadow sensed
among the canopy of trees.
Never once captured
no one knows his true identity
until he falls upon
an Angel so heavenly.

An Angel of light
sewing by the pale
moon's waning light.
Destined she fears
for being wed once again
bound and chained
by her lands and name.
Wrongfully accused
of an unspeakable deed.
Denouncing men with
her threat-a vow of celibacy.
In desparety she seizes him.
A bargain with the Devil
the Angel does make,
seeing truth in this innocent's eyes
her offer the Devil takes.

A Knight's Homecoming
By: Angel O'Verse
Inspired by gazing out the window during Child Psych

She gazes across the horizon
her heart beats wildly with
and fantasies of love
the shadows play and the hill
seems to move as a wave
upon the rocky ocean shore
the summer sun sets
with hues of pink petals,
orange blossoms
tinges of purple heather
red roses
and blue bells
her fiery red locks
drift on the wind and her
emerald green eyes search

Horses ride foward and stand still
upon the green crests
a streak of silver slices the sky
the banner rises up, the signet
of the white dove signals victory!
Shouts ring out from all around
drinks raised and hearts full.
The white stead rides foward
rider and horse one with the other
His golden mane glistens under the sun
sapphire eyes seeking that which he loves.
His hard face relaxes as he spies
a green cloud of silk floating about his desire
Though weary and worn he roars
a hearty laugh, a grin
spreads across his face
dimples play against hard cheeks.

He dismounts removing his helmet
she breaks out of concerned arms
running with all her might
into his strong arms.
He pulls her in close
showering kisses upon her face
Swooping her into his arms
ordering the horses to stable
running into the castle
and up to his chamber.
Two hungry mouths search for each other
soft and light against hard and strong
but with equal passion and desire
clothing is flung carelessly away
sheets are rumpled and long
red hair in curly dissaray.

By: AngelMuse

Silouetted against the moonlight
my gown floating about my frame
I await with baited breath on
the wind thou whispereth my name.

We have a meeting with destiny
the fates have guided me here
I yearn for thy gentle touch
there's naught that I should fear.

Thou hath called to me in the dark
in the daytime invaded my thoughts
I've been waiting for thee all my life
are you everything I have sought?

Crush not my expectations
like all that came before
leave me not in the shadows
and forever I'll adore

Heart to heart
and cheek to cheek
we will sleep upon
my cloud of dreams.

Even though when Dawn comes
they will be but a distant memory
fading into the moonbeams
woven in my life's tapestry.

I shall never cease the yearning
and always welcome lonely Eve'
whisper me a kiss my someday-love
before thou take thy lovelorn leave.


If you are sensitive to material of an artistically sexual nature, I advise you not to click the link. The artwork and writing is of a sensual and passionate nature. If you are not of an appropriate age DO NOT ENTER!!!!!!I've given fair warning...come in and see another side of 'Angel'.

Angel's Senuous and Passion Poetry

flutter back over

Backgrounds by Centaur's Lady
Angel's Poetry Palace
Angel's Cloud of Verse
CFIDS and Fibromyalgia page
Kristy's Cloud
