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~Angel's Poetry Palace~

This page will contain my poetry, lyrics and a place for my stories and essays. It will also be a place for your poetry, just e-mail and submit your works to me(original works only) and I will post it for you.

Please visit my other poetry pages...

My FMS/CFIDS Poetry and Reflections

My Medieval and Romantic Poetry

My Faery and Fantasy Poetry

Celestial Musings of a Lunar Angel

"Wind Kissed Angel"
By: Angel O'Verse

she dances upon
the wind, like a
all fuzzy and inviting
asking to be wished upon
and blown across the land

her voice
the wings of angels
gliding on golden
horizons, resting
momentarily on clouds
to breathe in dreams

her hair
a halo of flaming
desire, consuming
and welcoming
picked in strawberry patches
and fields of wheat

her eyes
chameleon orbs
changing with seasons
of emotions and
swings of uneven moods
even mood rings, can't predict

her heart
a flowering
sunbeam sprinkled
with stardust hope
and unwavering
faith, her tools to cope

her fingers
delicate and light
caressing and calming
childish fears
of your imagination
and yearning to be warm

her skin
a snowflake
in a blizzards' eye
creamy, porcelein skin
fragile and soft

she hides
behind words
and bubbles
and rides on
butterfly kisses
afraid of the world

"Ink Drops"
By: Angel O'Verse

Sudden feelings
without warning come
I try to ignore them
but they steadily hum

Needing an escape,
a solace, inner-peace
tears cloud my reason
the moon hears me weep

has run dry
ink-filled raindrops
fall from the sky

Filling my page
as I tearfully sigh,
pen catches ink-filled
teardrops from my eyes

Blotchy memories
ink-filled dreams
my pen understands
just what I need

Point to paper
eyes to the sky
my muses appear
the tears start to dry

At last I feel
liberated and free
all at once
I begin to see

Dried ink blotches
form words of my heart
my soul starts singing
as I take part.

"Moon Shine"
By: Angel O'Verse

Wicked hands
reach me
pulling me

Tearing out
my soul
and breaking
my heart

My eyes
a glaze
of grey
search ahead

Strange words
and objects
fill up
my head

I am lured
into the woods
and made
to sit

sting and lash
me I beg them
to quit

My face
is slapped
by the uncaring

The blazing
sun tortures
with a
heated grin

My only
chance is
a stream of

To clear
my mind and
ease the
burning pain

Darkness arrives
I shout to
the heavens
and curse all of hell

The moon
shines down
with tears
streaming she tells

"Hold onto
the dream
safely held in your

With your smile
breathe life
and allow a new

The rain begins
washing away
the pain
and the fear

my body holding
me close as my
dream appears

I stare up toward
the glowing orb
her melancholic
face, now smiles

I whisper on the
wind and thank
her as I walk
the long mile

"How do I
say Thank you?"
I reply as
I quietly go

"For what
my dear? For
something in your
heart you already know?"

I am bewildered
and yearn to
know so
much more

But the sun
rises and
blocks out her
enigmatic allure

A faint shadow
is all that's left
of her against
his glare

I try to reach
her running,
but can only
stand and stare

She has
disappeared as
quietly as she
had arrived

But in her
abscence I feel
my heart shine and
at last glow inside

Midnight Gems
By: Angel O'Verse

Midnight gems
of moonsoaked dreams
enchant and dazzle
starlit seas

By: Angel O'Verse

I long for love's embrace
a gentle caress
a passionate kiss
a murmering whisper
I dream of walking on clouds
and sailing through the air
singing with the angels
swimming with the mermaids
dancing with the faeries
making love in the rain
and crying tears of joy
no longer pain

This Page is ALWAYS changing please come back to check out new postings and thank you for you patience!!!!
Please keep in mind that the work you see on my pages are original works of the author's. Please do not steal work or plagarize at anytime. It is AGAINST THE LAW!!! If you wish to borrow works please E-MAIL THE AUTHOR, thank you!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook! Dreambook

E-mail me, by clicking on the li'l mailbox:

Flutter On Over To...

Angel's Medieval and Romantic Poetry
Angel's Faery and Fantasy Poetry
Celestial Musings of a Luna Angel(poetry)
My Cloud
Breezy's Poetry Spot(she also has her own webpage)
Wally's Remembrances of Days Past
Elizabeth's Backgrounds