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Kristy Poetry, by Tony Silver

I would like for you to meet my wonderful friend, Tony Silver. He is an awesome poet and a man with a heart full of never-ending love for all things, and a sensitive nature. It amazes me that Kristy has obviously touched Tony's life in a very deep way. Although he lives across the country and has never met Kristy...I swear she must visit him or have a strong special connection with him. Tony puts into words so beautifully and lovingly, that which I cannot. I am only sorry that he never got the chance to meet my precious lil' angel. I am blessed to have him in my life, we've been through many trials and tribulations together in a short amount of time, albeit through the internet and telephone. I love you my partner in poetry and dear friend!

I am in awe at the amount of people STILL being touched by Kristy and her story...Tony being just one of many! The purpose of creating this Memorial in Kristy's memory, was to share her with the world. This child of light and love who has touched my world and life beyond touching those who never got to know her.

Enjoy and be touched as I have by this incredible soul...Tony Silver.

"On An Angel's Wing"
By: Tony Silver

There she is
so young and innocent,
yet feeling the pain of life all too soon.
Wishing on a star,
that an Angels Wish will carry her far,
far from the pain that she feels now. thats just as beautiful as her young smile,
to help her fully realize the love people
give to her without a denial of
thier faith or hopes that she'll
be better soon,
able to hatch out of that
pain cocoon.

To reveal the jewel that lies within,
her very soul that has always
wanted a chance to begin
to experience life and all of
its many things,
as she goes back asleep and
dreams about those beautiful
angel wings.

<3 End <3

Tony has a tinyobsession with Sailor Moon. He told me that this picture of Angel Neptune inspired him to write this next poem about Kristy. "Birth of an angel"
By:Tony Silver

An angel is born,
and she spreads her new wings
to see,
to the sound of heavenly trumpets
being played.

She then takes her first flight
to the white billowy clouds,
to that crystal castle high in the sky,
as she smiles down on the people
gathered on the earth below.

Giggling and laughing
the entire way,
as she looks back one last time,
to say goodbye,
and then disappears into her new home
in the sky.

<3 End <3

"Where You Are Now"
By: Tony Silver

I miss you
I know that where you are now
Is surely a better place
But what comfort is that to me?
I hardly knew you
But I knew you so much more than words can tell

Beyond the pearly gates
Lie people you never met
Who love you, too
Love you because you're good
Because you're sweet
But they don't know you
I do

I miss you so much
I cry to write this...
Pain so terrible... yet wonderful, also
Terrible because of the loss
Wonderful because...
I can't imagine not feeling the pain
I love you

I hardly met you
And then you were gone
Some day I'll see you again
Until then...
I cry
I miss you
With every day that goes by

Reflecting on the goodness that is you
I promise to you, within myself
I won't forget... not ever
And can only pray
That you hear my love
And see my tears
Where you are now

<3The End<3

"In memory of an angel: Kristy Lyn Pembleton"
By:Tony Silver

Trying to see past
all the grief,
knowing that shes better,
I try so hard to make it my belief.

But how can I believe
when there is still
so much pain?
Despite my memories,
my life can never again be
the same.

In memory of an angel,
does all my strength lie,
even when in missing her
I drop to my knees and cry.

In memory of Kristy,
who was always so brave,
so true.
Kristy, the pain and tears
may one day stop,
but I'll never stop missing or
loving you,
my angel.

<3 End <3

"I'll never forget"
By:Tony Silver

You will never be
so far away,
here by my side,
in my heart,
you will forever stay.

How I wish
you were here now,
but I'll try to hold on,
try to find a way
to carry on somehow.

But the pain
sometimes hurts so much,
here all alone,
without your tender spirits
caring touch.

How I want so badly
to be with you,
or to have been given a chance
to have taken your place,
if only that was an option,
maybe these tears could have
been erased.

But you're so far away,
but I know deep inside,
you'll be with me in spirit
with each tear I'll cry.

Knowing I'll never forget someone
who was so brave,
little but in faith she was true,
I'll never forget a special little girl,
Kristy, that girl is you.

<3 End <3

"If for but a Moment, I Knew an Angel"
By: Tony Silver

I look to the stars above
and I still feel the Love,
I recieved from a angel
that I knew here on Earth.

She taught me
how to Love,
even when I couldnt rise above
the pain my eyes see,
even now shes helping me

Looking down with a smile,
making sure I can go that mile,
to reach those dreams
I hold in heart,
where her spirit will remain a part.

From up in heaven so high,
she will keep my eyes dry,
with an angels touch
she has meant so much

To my heart,
once carved in stone,
now on its own,
but I know shes by my side,
with each tear cried.

Helping me through the pain
with memories that will remain
to remind of the times we spent,
even if it was but for a moment.


"Angel of mine"
By :Tony Silver

So sweet,
and delicate,
caring and kind,
Little Kristy,
the Angel of Mine

Smiling and laughing
is what she loved to do best
despite all the pain and the hurt
from all of those doctors' tests

Born with angel wings,
and a heart to match,
anyone who met her for
but a moment,
would instantly be attached

To hear her voice,
to see the light in her eyes
but despite the joy,
we knew that someday she'd leave us,
that was no surprise

Sick and weak,
was that angel of mine,
the beast called cancer
had struck her,
we knew it was but a matter of time

Prayers and wishes
we hoped they would do so much,
to give us one more day
one more moment to feel
her warm tender touch

But then she left us,
on that dark September night
but she's still a part of me,
that angel of mine
I'll always carry in my heart so tight

<3 End <3

"Sorrow of Having to Say, Goodbye"
By:Tony Silver

Why does it hurt
why do I still miss you
so much?
Maybe because its been
over 9 months
since I last felt your tender touch

9 painful months,
full of sadness and hurt,
painfully shed tears
over you because you're
no longer near

I wish I could change the past
that I could make you well
so that you didnt have to leave us,
because with you gone,
my heart is in a tiny windowless cell

Cut off from beauty
cut off from Love,
trying to smile,
knowing you're happy
where you are above,
but the pain gets to me,
and only the sorrow I see,
the sorrow of having to say
goodbye to an angel
like you

Dedicated in loving memory:
of Kristy Lyn Pembleton 1994-1998

<3 End <3

"Kristy, I'm never letting you go"
By:Tony Silver
Dedicated in loving memory of Kristy Lyn Pembleton 1994-1998

of all the things in my heart
that you know,
the most true is that
I'll never let you go

Every night I think of you,
and every night its me
who wishes they had died
with every crystal tear that
falls to the ground from my eye

I always ask God why,
why did he have to take you?
But I never get an answer,
Kristy whatever will I do?

I'm so alone,
missing your giggling
your sweet smile,
inside my heart
is still peeling
away the layers of pain,
without you here,
life will never be the same

I miss you,
this much you probably know,
up in heaven so high,
you see my tears,
but I just want to remind you
my little angel
I'm never letting you go

<3 End <3

E-mail Tony


The Blue Angel background came from Designs by Rick

Sailor Neptune pick came from Ganymede's Sailor Neptune Shrine

The darling angel-snowglobe came from AnglTouched

Flutter On Over to

Kristy's Cloud
Angels Entertain Li'l Kristy
Poetry Palace
*~Angel's Cloud Of Verse~*