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Wallybear's Rememberances of days past..


Walter Wilson is a very talented young man. He not only writes poetry, but also writes song lyrics, and is in the process of writing his first novel. He is also a very talented actor. Walter, who prefers to be called " Wallybear " is a very sweet guy, a perfect gentleman. Drop him a line and tell him if you enjoyed his poems, or just to chat. ENJOY HIS POETRY!!!!

By: Walter Wilson

How do you say I love you
To someone who doesn’t want to hear it?
How do you start your life over
When you’ve been through so much shit?
How can you live your life
When you’re life just makes you sick?
How can your mind make good decisions
When you’re heart reaches out too quick?

Why do we try so hard for hello’s
When they all turn out good-bye’s?
Why do we laugh when someone hurts
But cry when they all die?
We live our life for memories
But they all fade away.
And try to find our perfect match
Although they never stay.

We sell our souls to the devil
And then go pray to the lord.
We make our little cheap mistakes
With consequences to great to afford.
We only try to make things right
After they’ve already been made bad.
We always think of what we want
But not what we’ve always had.

We gamble all our emotions
No matter what the cost.
But we can never change the past
Because the past is already lost.
We should take things as they come
Instead we argue, fight, and fuss.
Just remember, we don’t revolve around the moon
The moon revolves around us.

"She's So Beautiful"
By: Walter Wilson

She’s so beautiful, even when she sleeps.
Oh why did I ever have to meet her?
Now I’m stuck on a vision that could never be.
A vision of her and I together. Oh well.
She tosses and turns in her sleep tonight.
Could she be dreaming of me?
But maybe she’s dreaming of me burning in the fireplace.
Oh well.
Her voice does something to me, I don’t know what.
It makes me feel …..good.
Oh, and her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes.
I try to look into them and see what she’s thinking, but she looks away,
- knowing I’m looking at her.
Well, she’s sleeping now.
Oh well.
Her short, but not too short, auburn, kinda brown hair lays silently
- across her face and pillow.
It’s amazing. She’s still so beautiful.
She lays so still and silent.
It’s almost like she’s not even breathing.
I’d go and check if I wasn’t so shy.
Maybe she is dead.
Oh well.

"Crying Cupid"
By: Walter Wilson

Legend’s figure, young and old
Know of this creature’s story told.
Down from heaven’s where he came
And branded with a familiar name.
He brings a bow and brings his darts
And aims his arm straight for the hearts.
This messenger from above, he brings
Love to some unloving things.
Though curses his immortal soul
For matchmaking has took its toll.
This cupid cries, though quietly
As so the lovers do not see.
While on his cloud he lays his head
And doesn’t smile, but frowns instead.
Crying cupid drops his tears
For he knows for years and years
That have past and are to come
His heart will stay forever numb.
Crying cupid hears your prayers
And Crying cupid sees you stare
And Crying Cupid mends your heart
Although it’s tearing him apart.
Love is Cupid’s one intent
For that’s the reason he is sent.
He works for others than himself
And waits for his turn, by himself.
I am the Crying Cupid, who
Seems invisible to you.
And on my cloud I lay my head
And I don’t smile, just frown instead.

By: Walter Wilson

I miss her so bad.
I miss all the times we’ve spent together.
My mind flashes back to the last day.
The day when fate forced us to part.
At the bus station at the end of town.
It hurt so bad
To know we were never going to see each other again.
I didn’t even hear most of the words she was saying
Only that she felt it would be better if we broke up.
She was going so far away.
No matter how happy I was for her, I couldn’t help but be upset.
Her words just seemed to pass through my ears.
I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
She kissed it away and said, " No tears. "
Just the way I used to do to her when she was upset,
But I could see a tear forming in her eye.
When her bus rolled up, the tears started to form again.
My heart sank in my chest.
Just before she left, she came over to me.
She took off her neck the heart locket I gave to her on our third month
She kissed it, placed it in my hand, and closed my hand.
" Don’t forget me. " she said.
She hugged me so tight, I didn’t want to let her go.
I wanted to keep her in my arms.
I wanted to tell her that she could stay here with me.
That I’d take care of her.
But I couldn’t.
She finally let go and kissed my cheek.
" I love you. " she said as she walked towards the bus.
As she walked up the steps, she turned and waved goodbye.
I wanted to run after the bus
But all I managed was to follow it to the end of the station.
I must have stood there for about twenty minutes
Realizing that the best thing that has ever happened to me was gone.
I remembered the locket in my hand
And I opened it up.
Inside was a picture.
A picture of us……..on our first date.

"Remember Me"
By: Walter Wilson

….And you sit in front of your TV late at night to see if you can catch a
glimpse of me on
one of my walk-on roles of your favorite show.
A little known boy hit the big time. Imagine that.
Well, sort of big time.
You told me that I was your favorite star, not matter how big the role, or how
You made me feel wanted.

….And you stare at the flower I gave you on our first date.
So long ago, before I even had the dream of becoming a star.
You look at the flower, once so beautiful and full of color, now wilted and
bland to show
the passage of time.
We were young and innocent and we never worried about what the next day would

….And you walk down to the corner where we would meet everyday.
Where the sounds of the city streets seemed to disappear into the air, and with
sounds, our worries, our fears, our tears.
The corner that led to the bluff, overlooking the whole town.
We would lay out our blanket and lay back and look at the stars and the moon
and think
silently about how far away they actually were.
And we would make our wishes everyday. I never knew yours.
My wish never changed. My wish was to have you marry me.
We went to our secret place everyday, whether just for a few minutes, or a
couple of
With all the memories of our escapades overlooking the town, staying secret
between you, me, the moon and the stars.

….And you look at the photograph we had taken at the carnival.
Pictures of two young lovers who found each other early.
Pictures speak a thousand words, but there aren’t enough words to describe the
we shared.

….And you look to the stars, to find an answer.
Any answer.
An answer to why we had to say goodbye.
You blame yourself, even though, deep inside, you know it was an accident.
The brakes just wouldn’t work. The car kept rolling.
You were lucky to jump out before the car rolled off the cliff.
You blame yourself, but you shouldn’t.
You look to the stars to see if you can catch a glimpse of me in all of the
celestial lights.
You talk to me everyday. You tell me your feelings. You tell me your fears. You
tell me
you want to end it all and be with me again.
You tell me, or the star you picked out to be me, your favorite star, that you
miss me.
That you love me.
You tell me that you think you are crazy to believe that I can hear you, but I
I may be millions of miles away, but I still hear you.
And as long as you remember me, I will always be there. Up in that little star
so far away
that you picked out to be me.
Your favorite star.
Don’t give up hope. I am still with you.
And one day, we will be together again.
One day.

"Does That Mean It Is Love?"
By: Walter Wilson

If I can't go one second without thinking of you
If I can't go a minute without wishing you were here
If I can't go an hour without wanting to hold you
If I can't go a day without hearing your voice
Does that mean it is love?

If it hurts every time I remember we are apart
If it brings me to tears each day I think about how long it will be until I
see you again
If it pains me not to see your face
If it kills me to know you are so far away
Does that means it is love?

If I cherish every second we are together
If I smile only when you are around
If I melt whenever I hear your voice
If I feel I can face anything when I am in our arms
Does that mean it is love?

If when you are gone, I feel so alone
If when you cry, I cry too
If when you look into my eyes, I can see a great future for us
If when you kiss me, I can feel all my worries drift away
Does that mean it is love?

If all these things I feel
Truly do mean it is love
Then I have only one question,
Do you feel this way too?

Write to:Wallybear

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