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My Dedication to Bruce Lee Page


This is the entire life and tragic death of my idol Bruce Lee.

On November 27 of 1940 sometime between 6:00 a.m and 8:00 a.m Lee Jun Fan "Bruce Lee" was born in San Fransisco Chinatown. Lee Hoi Chen Bruce's father was performing with the Cantonese Opera Company in America. At three months, Bruce debutes in "Golden Gate Girl" in San Fransisco CA. He plays the role of a female baby, carried by his father.

In 1941 at age 1, Bruce and his parents return to Kowloon in Hong Kong. They will move into apartment 218 Nathen Road, Kowloon district.The apartment is located on the second story of a building which contained s atore on the ground level.

In 1946 at age 6 Bruce makes his first major childhood movie in "The Beginning of a Boy". Later in that year he performs in "The Birth of Mankind", and "My Son, Ah Chuen". Also during this year Bruce becomes nearsighted and starts wearing glasses. Later on he will sart wearing contacts.

In 1952 at age 12 Bruce begins attending La Salle College.

In 1953 at age 13 Bruce stars taking Kung-Fu lessons from Sifu Yip Man, a master of the Wing Chun system of Kung-Fu, after getting beaten up by a street gang. This was the first and the last time Bruce ever looses a fight.

In 1954 at age 14 Bruce takes up Cha-Cha lessons.

In 1958 at the age of 18 Bruce wins the Crown Colony Cha Cha Championships. Bruce has a leading role in the film "The Orphan". This is the only film that Bruce does not fight. Bruce also enters the 1958 Boxing Championships and defeats the reigning three year champion, Gary Elms

In 1959 at the age of 19 Bruce's parents tell him to go on a three week voyage to the United States, because of numerous street fighting causing police involvement. He will return to his birth place San Fransisco, CA. With $115 from his parents,Bruce arrives in the U.S and lives with an old friend of his dads. He works doing odd jobs around the chinese community. Later he moves to Seattle to work for Ruby Chow, another friendo of his fathers. He lives in a room above her restaurant while working as a waiter downstairs. He eventually enrolls in the Edison Technical School and earns his High School diploma.

In 1961 at the age of 21 Bruce enrolls at the University of Washing ton in Seattle studying philosophy. He starts teaching Kung-Fu to students at the school.

In 1963 at the age of 23 Bruce proposes to Amy Sanbo but is turned down. Bruce returns to Hong Kong with his friend Doug Palmer for the first time since his arrival in the U.S to visit family. He them returns to Seattle at the end of the summer to finish his education. On October 25 Bruce takes out Linda Emery for their first date. They have dinner at the Space Needle. Bruce tells Ruby Chow about him leaving and he does. He goes on to start the first Jun Fan Kung-Fu Institute. In the fall Bruce would go on to move his Institute to a building near the colloge campus. He would teach any person of any race. Back then only asians could learn Kung-Fu. At Garfield High School Bruce demonstrates hid "One Inch Punch". The punch would become famous at the'64 Long Beach Internationals and which was developed by him and James DeMile in Seattle. Bruce would hold out his arm and with only the shrug of his shoulder he could knock a person straght across the ground.

In 1964 at age 24 Bruce would meet Jhoon Rhee at the International Karate Championships. The two would remain good friends.IN June Bruce discusses with James Yimm Lee plans to opena second Jun Fan Kung-Fu Institute in Oakland, CA. In the summer the plans for the second Jun Fan Kung-Fu to open in Oakland. Bruces good friend Taky Kimura takes over as the head instructor. On August 2nd Ed Parker, Known as the father of American Karate(Kenpo), invites Bruce to give a demonstration of his "One Inch Punch" and his Two Finger Pushups. William Dozier, a produce, is looking to cast a part in a TV series and was impressed by Bruces super human abilities and wanted Bruce to fly down to L.A For a screen test. He did. On August 17th Bruce reaturs to Seattle to marry Linda. They will soon move to Oakland.

In 1965 several months after he has been teaching he was challenged by, Wong Jack Man, a leading Kung-Fu practitioner in chinatown. They would agree: if Bruce looses, he will either close his school or stop teaching caucasians.If Jack looses, he will stop teaching. After the first couple of seconds Bruce starts beating the hell out of Wong. As Bruce keep winning Wong will try to leave but Bruce prevents him from doing so. Some students of the other teacher tried to help him but Bruces friend James Lee prevented that. Later he wondered why the fight took so long. That was when he made the concept of Jeet Kune Do, "the art of intercepting first". JKD is Boxing, Japanese Karate etc. Bruce is signed to a one-year option for "The Green Hornet". He would be Paid $1800 as a retainer. On Febrary 1st Brandon Bruce Lee is Born. On february 8th Bruce's father dies in Hong Kong. As a tradition in order to obtain forgivness for not being present when his father died, Bruce crawls on his knees across the ground of the funeral home yelling and crying. In May Bruce uses the retaier money from The Green Hornat to fly Linda Brandon and Himself to Hong Kong tosettle his fathers estate affairs. Whilw visiting in Hong Kong Bruce takes Brandon to see Yip Man to persuade him to perform on tape. Bruce wants to take footage to show his students but Yip says no. In September Bruce Linda and Brandon will return to Seattle.

In 1966 at the age of 26 Bruce and his family will move to L.A. This is where he starts working on The Green Hornet as Kato. He would be paid $400 per episode.. With the money Bruce buys a 1966 Chevy Nova. Bruce will open a third Jun Fan Kung-Fu Institute in L.A Chinatown. On September 9th The Green Hornet would appear.

Between 1967 and 1971, Bruce lads bit parts in various films and T.V Series. He also Give private lessons to Steve McQueen, James Coburn, James Garner, Lee Marvin, Roman Polanski, & Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Bruce would meet Chuck Norris in New York at an All American Karate Champioship. Chuck would defeat Joe Lewis. On July 14 The Last epidsode of The Green Hornet showed on the air. The Movie failed because Bruce was so popular, he bacame more liked than the main character.

On April 19 1969 Shannon Lee is Born in Santa Monica, CA. A script writer his hired by Stirling Silliphant and James Coburn to write a script for the "Silent Flute". The script is produced unacceptable, and no other script write could tdo the job right. so they decided to write it themselves.

In 1970 at the age of 30 Bruce injures his sacral nerve and experiences severe muscle spasms in his back whine in training. Doctors told himthat he would never kick again. During the months of recovery he starts to document his training methods and philosophy of Jeet Kune Do. After his death, The Tao Of Jeet Kune Do is published by his wife in memory of him. Bruce and Brandon fly to Hong Kong and are welcomed by the fans of The Green Hornet show. Bruce sends Unicorn to talk to Run Run Shaw on his behalf and inform Shaw that he would be willing to do a movie for $10K. Shaw a counter offer of a seven year contract and $2K per movie. Bruce declines

In February of 1971 at Age 31 Bruce, Stirling Silliphant, and James Coburn fly to India to look for places to shoot their film "The Silent Flute". They were on the search for 1 month but are forced to call off the search because Coburn backs out. The trip wasnt a total waste , Bruce gets the idea for "Game of Death", where a fighter, mastering in several techniques, will go from one level to the next level in a temple: the first level ( level of weapons ), the second level ( level of the nine degree black belt ), and the third level ( level of the unknown ). Bruce takes a short trip back to Hong Kong to arrange for his mother to live in the U.S. While in Hong Kong Bruce was approached by Ramond Chow, owner of a new production company, offered Bruce the lead role in a new film called "The Big Boss". Bruce accepted it. Bruce got a small apartment at 2 Man Wan Road in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Wu Nganj, moves in with Bruce and linda. Later Wu Ngan marred and his new wife moved in too. Brandon Goes to La Salle College which is the same school Bruce attented only 15 years before. In July The filming for the Big Boss starts in thailand ( in u.s known as Fist of Fury). The Big Boss opens in Hong Kong and gets great reviews. The proceeds to gross more than $3.5 million in less than three weeks. On December 7th in Hong Kong Bruce recieves a tele gram, notifying him that he diddnt get the part in another T.V series , "The Warrior". The Series was released as Kung-Fu, staring David Carradine, who doesn't know (parden the french) shit about about any martial arts.

In 1972 at age 32 in Hong Kong Fist of Fury is released. It grosses more than than "The Big Boss" and later establishes Bruce as a Hong Kong Superstar. Bruce gets a larger budget, a larger salary, and more powner of directing in this film. Bruce begins work on "Game of Death" and films several fight scenes including Danny Inosanto and Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Bruce appears on Hong Kong's TVB channel for a hurricanedisaster relief bene fit. In a demo Bruce performs, he breaks 4 out of 5 boards, one of which is hanging from the air from a piece of string. Brandon even breaks a bord with a sidekick. In Rome Bruce's third film "The Way of the Dragon"( better known as The Return of the Dragon ) This time Bruce gets complete control of being director. Chuck Norris is Bruce's adversary in the final fight scene. Again this film surpasses all records set by his previous two films. On December 28 Bruce's brother James dies of "Black Lung."

In February of 1973 at the age of 33 Bruce ets his chance at American stardom as filming of "Enter the Dragon" begins while Game of Death is put on hold. It is the first ever production of a movie between the U.S and Hong Kong. On February 20 Bruce is the guest of honor at St Francis Xavier's school for Sports Day ceremonies. In L.A Grace Lee Bruce's sister does not expect to live much longer and that she is not to worry about the financesas he will make sure she is provided for. She rebukes him for talking that way. In April in Hong Kong for "Enter the Dragon" The air conditioners have been turned off, so that the microphones wont pick them up. The temperature rises dramatically. Bruce go to the bathroom to splash water on his face. While he was in the bathroom he passes out. The assistant finds him on the floor just as he has revived . He plays it off as if he has lost his glasses and is looking for them. As they are walking back to the dubbing room Bruce collapses again and is rushed to the hospital. On July 10th Bruce is walking through the Golden Harvest Studios and over hears Lo Wei in a nearby room Bad mouthing him. Bruce confronts him and Lo runs to get the local police. When the police come Lo says that Bruce threatened him with a knife concealed in his belt buckle. He insists that Bruce signs a form saying that he will not harm him. Bruce signed the papre even though Lo wei lied to the police. On the same day Bruce appears on a Hong Kong T.V show. Bruce tells about his problems with Lo Wei but doesnt actually say his name. Bruce is asked to display his Physical powerness and demonstrates his abilities. Bruce demonstrates a technique and the host of the show is hurled across the stage. His show of power caused the press to state that Bruce was bullying the Host but he acctually wasnt. On july 16th Te heavy rain fall cause a typhoon. Bruce makes a $200 call to Unicorn in his hotel room, WHo is filming a movie in Manlia. Bruce tells Unicorn that he is worried about the many headaches that he is experiencing. On July 20th Bruce types a letter to his aatorney, Adrian Marshall, detailing buisness ventures he wants to discuss on his upcoming trip to L.A. Bruce had tickets to fly to the U.S for a publicity tour and was going to appear on the Jhonny Carson Show. Raymond Chow goes to Bruce's house and the two discuss plans for their upcoming movie "Game of Death". Linda kisses Bruce goodbye and says that she is going out to run some errands and will see him later in the night. Raymond and Bruce visit Betty Ting Pei at her apartment to discuss her role in "Game of Death". That evening plans had been made for all of them to meet Goerge Lazenby over dinner and enlist him for a part. Bruce explains that he has a headache,takes a prescription pain killer offered by Betty, and lies down on her bed to rest prior todinner. Raymond Chow departs and says that he will meet them later. Raymond Chow and George Lazenby meet at a restaurant an await Bruce and Bettys arrival. She said that she tried to wake Bruce up But he diddnt come to. Betty summons her personal physician who fails to revive Bruce. Bruce was taken to thae hospital and was not revived and ws pronounced dead. The doctors are surprised that he had lasted as long as he had did that night but unfortunately Betty did not get him help as soon as she could have. Bruce Lee Dies in Hong Kong of an apparent cerebreal enema (swelling of the brain). After much confusion and debate, doctors declared Bruces death as "death of misadventure". "Enter the Dragon" was delayed from its initial premiers four days later because of his death. On July 25th 1973 A funeral ceremony is held for friends and fans in Hong Kong consisting of over 25,ooo people. Bruce is dressed in the Chinese outfit he wore in "Enter the Dragon". On July 30th after a smaller ceremony in Seattle BruceLee is Buried at Lake View Cemetery. His pallbearers included Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Danny Inosanto, Taky Kimura, Peter chin, and his Brother Robert Lee. On August 24th in Hollywood "Enter the Dragon" premiers at Graumann's Chinese Theater. The Movie is a sucess, and Bruce Lee achieves world wide fame.

And that is all that i know about Bruce Lee Following all of his Movies and reading all his books and learning all about him from year to year. If you have any questions concerning this page email me at the below email address. Copyright © 1998.
