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Our many THANKS to the following:

"Great website nicely designed, very nice pictures of your adult and young lovebirds. Easy to navigate."
Aqua Oceans

This Award is presented for the hard work and dedication put into your page.

"I have visited your site, and enjoyed my visit."
"I would like to send you an Award in appreciation of your hard work and expertise."
Pretty Cool site. Cheers

"I was very impressed by all the hard work you have put into the site
and have to congratulate you on a wonderful achievement in web site design."

"Your excellant site is most welcome to the award from Ms Dixie."
Dixie (Sandi)

"I'm happy to award you the 2Feathers Award for your great site!"

"Your page has been reviewed and accepted for the Figgy Award of Web Excellence"
LORO & Figgy

"We have looked very sharp at your page and we love it.
There are some FANTASTIC graphics shown and the content is really interesting for a lot of people.
It's easy to navigate and everything works! You have done a GREAT job on them.
Your page is now in the claws of The Black Eagle. He NEVER let loose again!
Greetings from Didier

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