Visit Some of the Fun of Events of Past Years by Clicking on the Links Below: Summer Events of 2015* Buffy's 2004 NASTAR Ski Racing Ranking* John's 2004 NASTAR Ski Racing Ranking* Guest book
Go for it! "Another Rotten Day in Heaven. Some Body Has to Do It So It Might As Well Be Us!" To share an idea or comment with Buffy & John click HERE!
Events of 2010 (Note: The events of the 2010 run through the end of ski season in April of 2011) (You can review events of last year and previous years by using the tabs in the left panel or going to the drop down menu) * Then there was the weekend of March 20th. We skied and played golf on the same day! Crazy weather.
* John took the 2011 Annual HVC Ski Season Friends & Family Bar Photograph on March 5, 2011 including a few close friends.
* Daughter Denise and the Grand Kids visited over President's Day weekend and had fun on the slopes at Hidden Valley
* The snow fall this winter continues to provide the best skiing EVER! "Mr. Snow Man" measuring snow in front of our home at HV is crying "HELP"
* Thanks to Mother Nature the "Buffy & John Ski Slope" is open for operation "Thanks" to our Mountain Manager & grooming buddy Justin.
* The 2010 - 2011 Winter Season was lots of fun. We are looking forward to the coming ski season and the new year.
* John has completed the 2011 "Search for the 50 Most Beautiful Golf Holes In New Jersey" Calendar and the rewrite of the book including the visits that he and Buffy made during the 2010 golf season. You can download a FREE copy of the Calendar by clicking HERE and the Book by clicking HERE. the download takes a few minutes so be patient. * Buffy & John celebrated their wedding anniversary by continuing the research for the book John is writing "The Search for the 50 Most Beautiful Golf Holes in New Jersey" and by attending a David Bromberg concert on Friday, September 11th. For more information about the week of golf course research click on the photograph.
* Buffy & John attended the 1st Annual HVC Rock, Ribs & Ridges Music Festival on Saturday, August 14th and Sunday August 15th. To view the Saturday photographs click HERE. To view the Sunday photographs click HERE.
To read a newspaper article on Buffy & John's visit to the Rockaway River CC click HERE.
* Buffy & John played in the 9th Annual 2010 Cape Cod Invitational Golf Classic in June. To see more photos of this fun event click HERE.
* Buffy & John continue
writing Part 2 - 2010 of their book "The Search for the 50 Most Beautiful
Golf Holes in New Jersey." The Part 1 - 2009 paper back edition of the book may be purchased online by clicking
HERE. * Buffy & John kicked off the golf season with playing in the 2010 16th Annual Hidden Valley Closed Invitational Golf Classic. For more information about the Hidden Valley Closed Golf Classic click HERE.
Background photo "Buffy ready to take a run on Chicken Delight at the Hidden Valley Club" taken by Dr. John T. Whiting |
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