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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I find the key to the Basement/Upstairs locked doors?

A. The key to the basement is found after defeating Bowser #1. First you must have 8 Power Stars to open the door with the big star. To get the key to the upstairs you must defeat Bowser #2 which is located in the basement behind the door with the big star. You must have 30 Power Stars to open that door.

Q. I've been to other sites that have a code to be Luigi. It's a long and complicated code and I can't get it to work. Can you help?

A. The Luigi code is a hoax. Authors put that code on their page to lure you to their site. If you want to see Luigi you'll have to wait until Super Mario64 2 comes out.

Q. I lost my hat in Shifting Sand Land/ Snowmans Land/ Tall, Tall Mountain. How do I get it back?

A. In Shifting Sand Land go over the maze with the big turning boxes and climb up the pillar. when the bird flys near you jump towards him and he will drop the hat. Pick it up.
In Snowmans Land it is even easier. Just navigate around the course and it will be waiting somewhere on the ground.
In Tall, Tall Mountain it can be blown off by the cloud near the top or the monkey near the middle of the course will steal it. If it's stolen by the monkey, just grab him and he'll give it to you. If it's blown off by the cloud and you don't die, die. Not it will be much easier to get it because now the monkey will be wearing it. If you don't have any lives left or you don't want to die, try to find it somewhere on the course.

Q. It seems impossible to jump to certain places. Can you help?

A. Here are 3 very useful jumping manuvers:

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