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Chris Plummer, Anarchist Political Prisoner

Chris Plummer is an anti-racist anarchist activist, who was imprisoned in Texas for his part in burning Nazi property. The intention of this act was to stop the American Front, and openly facist group proud of its record of racist violence. No one was hurt during the act, however since Nazi property was destroyed Chris was arrested. Chris faced many charges including attempted murder, which was dropped when they saw that Chris wouldn't be scared into turning in his friends. He was convicted of Breaking and Entering and sentenced to 15 years.

Even in prison, he didn't stop organizing. The Texas prisons have a reputation to being filled with hate, terror, and exploition, however this did not stop Chris from starting the Texas Prionsers' Anarchist Lending Library. In March of 97, the gaurds consfiscated and the "lost" all the books and many of his personal possessions. Around this time, Chris also had his jaw and cheekbone broken by a Nazi prisoner gang, and he barely escaped death.

Since then Chris's situation has been continuosly getting worse. He was put into solitary confinement. Last August, he spoke out on the behalf of another prisoner, who had been convicted of having a gun in the prison, so the gaurds threatened him with death. Chris heard about this, and contacted outside groups exsposing this. The gaurds then destroyed all of his property including important legal papers. Along with many other threats, he is now being framed and threatened with 30-40 more years for conspiracy to smuggle guns.

Recently Chris has been subjected to strip searches and cell searches every half hour. Lots of his incoming and outgoing mail has been seized as "gang related"

We need to help Chris, not just b/c his life is on the line, but b/c he is one of the few people out there who is still fighting for justice. If we ignore this, it will only make us weaker people and make our fight for justice even harder.

You can show your support for Chris by contacting:

271 E. 10th St. #47
New York City, NY 10009

P.O. BOX 1721
Baltimore, MD 21203

If you'd like to find out more about Chris, you can also email me, and I'd be glad to answer any questions u may have.


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