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Womyn's Rights

The ARA supports a womyn's right to have total control over her body. We see the anti- abortion movement as one based around silencing a woman's voice, keeping women submissive and pushing them back into oppressive roles. A challenge to a woman's personal reproductive choice is a challenge to her freedom... and that needs to be confronted.

Feminism is is a way of thinking and acting that takes into account how women are oppressed in this society by patriarchy. Patriarchy is the system that gives men power over women. Feminists fight and struggle for women's liberation. Women define feminism, but both women and men can be feminists.

The ARA actively engages in struggles against forces in our society that try to take away women's freedom We oppose rape and domestic violence and all forms of physical and mental abuse inflicted on womyn. In contrast we encourage and empower young girls and women to develope skills to push back oppression. We want to build a feminist movement that is anti-racist. The realities of the particular struggles of African-American, Native American, Latina, and Asian- American Womyn must be a part of any feminist movement that is also anti-racist. We respect and value their contributions in society and in the anti-racist movement.


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