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BsB Interview!!

This is an interview between all members of the Group hope ya like it!!

What's your idea of a quiet night??

AJ says----Sitting in front of a log fire with hot chocolate and marshmallows and some mellow music playing. It'd be great if the moon was shining in, the lights were low and it was cold outside.

Brian says---I'd have one of those huge movie projectors in a big snugly room with a huge soft couch and bean bags all over the floor. i'd make dinner downstairs with the lady of my choice, then we'd go upstairs and cuddle up and watch a movie..........{aaw brian soso sweet!!!}

Nick says---I'd be in my parents home{aaww..he is a mamas like that}. I'd get loads of food and play computers all night with my brother or sister{Hey Dori...isnt that what we do...but we don't play on the comp...hehe we work work work...just kidding!!!}

What film would you cuddle up to?

AJ says---"Ghost". You just cant help but bawl, escpecially with the music--oww, man!

Brian---It'd have to be something real romantic."Maybe While you were Sleeping"> or "Sleepless in Seattle".I'm very soft you know!

Nick----"I love trouble" with Julia Roberts. I'm not big into romantic films, but I really enjoyed that one.

Truthfully now, what's the most wonderful thing a girl has done for you??

Kevin---Probably the coolest thign was when I was really sick and this girl I was dating rang her mom to get the recipe for chicken noodle soup and she made it for me from scratch--isn't that sweet???

Brian---A fan did something real cute for me. SHe bought a BIG white tie and drew all the music notes and lyrics to "I'll never Break your Heart"all the way up in Spiral..It was awesome!

Howie---Oh on my 18th Birthday, this girl I was seeing asked her parents if she could have the house to herself and sh einvited all my friends around for a surprise party.That was Romantic!

Do you guys still cry??

Kevin---OF COURSE!!{Well i think we know that by seeing the World Music awards..aaww}..........I cry in movie theatres all the time.I get that from my grandfather-- we are a real sentimental family. brians liek that as well. When we ot our first gold record we bawled liek babies!

Nick---I'm not embarassed about crying, but I'd try not to bawl in front of just anybody.I'd feel most relaxed crying in front of my mom or the guys.

Howie--For me crying is something I'm pretty open about. It's just a way of expressing your feeligns. Recently my gran passed away and my whole family was crying together.It was so sad.

Do you think that it is possible to be just good friends with a girl??

AJ---Ah-hah...I've got a lot of close girl friends--in fact I've og tmore girl friends then boy friends{now he dont mean it in that way..LOL} I get along cool with guys but their more into that male/sport thing.I am to, but I am also into shopping and buying phat clothes and stuff.

Nick--Yeah.I meet a log of girls when we are traveling and I make friends with some. Then when we go back to that country I call them up for a chat.

Kevin-- I think it is hard because we are traveling so much---it is hard to tell if some people are real friends or not

Cool interview huh??...Thats it for this one!!

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