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Aegis - A shield worn by Zeus or Pallas Athena that bears the head of the gorgon Medusa.

Aphrodite - Goddess of beauty, love, sex and laughter. Her symbols are the dove, shell, rose, & dolphin. Associated with teh planet Venus.

Apollo - Twin brother of Artemis (Diana) and god of light, truth, poetry, music, and guardian of the Muses. His symbol are the Lyre, the sun, the bow and arrow, the dolphin, the swan, & the crown of laurel. Associated with the Sun.

Artemis - Virgin Goddess of the Hunt. Sister of Apollo. her symbols are the bow & arrow, and the hind. Associated with the Moon.

Athena (Pallas) - Daughter of Zeus and Themis, but born out of Zeus' head. Goddess of Justice adn strategy. Her symbols are the scales, the helmet & spear, the aegis, and the white owl.

Cithara - A small lyre.

Eleutherae - A place on Mount Cithaeron between Boeotia and Attica.

the Graces -

Gaia - the Earth

Hermes - Messenger of the Gods. Trickster God. God of medicianal healing, travel, and communication. Associated with the planet Mercury.

Kronos/Cronos - Ruler of the Titans, Father of Zeus and six of the Olympians. Kronos rules, time, old age, teeth and bones. His symbols are the lantern and the sycthe. Associated with Father Time and the planet Saturn.

Lyre - A u-shaped harp. The first lyre was made out of a tortuse shell by Hermes. He gave the lyre to Apollo in appology for stealing cattle. Apollo's lyre is more commonly depicted as being golden.

Mnemosyne - The Titan of Memory. Mother of the Muses (the "rememnders").

Olympus - Dwelling place of the Greek Gods. Sometimes described as a mountain, other times described more as a cellestial heaven.

Pieria - The region to the north of Olympus, towards Macedonia.

Son of Kronos - Zeus is the son of the Titan, Kronos.

Stylus - A pointed writing impliment.

Uranus - The Sky

Zeus - God of the skies, thunder and lightning. Chief among the Gods of Olympus. Father of the Muses. He is also a god of justice and prosperity. His symbols are the lightning bolt and the eagle. Associated with the planet Jupiter.

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