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Fountain in "Tinker's Meadow"  (NYRF 1997)*

Fountain in "Tinker's Meadow" (NYRF 1997)*

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Phoenix (NJRF&K 1996)* Brenda ("Lady Maiden's") + Shannon (NJRF&K)* Doug, entertaining with a song or two (NYRF 1998)* Val of "St George's Dragon Orphanage" (NYRF 1998)* Brenda, knife-throwing...(scary thought!) (NJRF&K)* "Dorcus"  (NYRF 1997)*  
Kristen from "St. Georges Dragon Orphanage" (NYRF 1998)* Katie + Brenda ("Lady Maiden's") (NYRF 1998)** Robyn from "Moondancer" (NJRF&K)* Denice, a Cookie Wench (NJRF&K)* Devyn, Michele, Karen, Jimmy (NJRF&K) Val of "St George's Dragon Orphanage" (NYRF 1997)*


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Faire Site Key

NYRF = New York Renaissance Faire (Sterling Forest), Tuxedo, NY
NJRF&K = New Jersey Renaissance Festival & Kingdom, Somerset, NJ
LRF = Lakewood Renaissance Festival, Lacey, NJ
KRF = King Richard's Faire, Carver, MA

Photo Credits

* = Photo by Joey Barat
** = Photo by Michelle Acquaire
*** = Photo by Jimmy Barat