"So you're happy about it?"

In which we feature just /one/ of the many things wrong with Lis.

Echoing and austere, blank stone walls are vaulted high to overshadow the row of white-curtained cots along the back wall. Ancient metal gleams steel-bright in the form of sinks and examination table, lit relentlessly by bright glows and reflecting the colours of bottles and jars shelved above. Padlocked cabinets hide the more dangerous drugs and implements, whilst healer paraphenalia litters one solid oak table with sweetly-fragranced herbs and tattered scrolls. A small hearth contains a fire usually banked low, several cauldrons set ready nearby to for heating water. A dark staircase twists up from one corner to the dragonhealer's lair; one low door leads into the lower caverns, another to weyrhealers' quarters. Barn-sized doors open inwards with creak of hinges from the ground weyr.
Comfortable on top of a cupboard are Solo, Spangles, Ozu-Zarkh, and Kahlua.
You see Girta here.
Kariel is here.
Obvious exits:
Ground Weyrs     Inner Caverns     Healers' Quarters

Lis' slow, regretful steps seem to add an extra creak to her leathers - at least in her ears - as each step thuds upon the stone floor. Ducking around this curtained cot and another, she peeks to see who's in charge with a clearing of her throat that ends up whimpering off. "Ahe-awwwwm."

Kariel is lounging at the desk, feet propped up upon the flat surface as he lazes about, apprentices dutifully scrubbing the floor and cots. Ha. Glad not to be /you/ anymore. All powerful Journeyman now merely oversees, with a sleepy eye. But at the clearing of flem from Lis' throat, head lifts and he peers at her curiously, head tilting to the side. "How-dee-do, Lis. What can I do for you today?"

"Um, ah, Kariel. You're specialty is mid... mid-something-or-other, right?" Lis asks as she hones on in Kariel, hands clasped behind her back to fully show the odd buckling assortment of leathers, fixed now on the next-biggest hole. This can't be good. "See, I sort of needed and... you know, /examination/," she states gravely, voice going low and whisper-soft.

"Midwifery. Yes, yes." Head bobs like some forgotten suction cup toy attatched to the back window of a car, as he stays oblivious to the implications of what she says... until finally it penetrates that thick skull of his, causing him to blink. Blinkblink. "Who?" is the first words out his mouth as he gestures to the gowns, moving to redwort his hands...

Lis blinks merely in response, wandering over to the gowns with just a hint of confusion. She'll figure them out, hopefully. "Who what?" demands the greenrider, lifting one of the robes with a pinch of thumb and forefinger, trying to figure out how the odd garment's to be put on. It is early, after all.

Kariel redworts his hads thoroughly, then moves to find sufficient glows to toss into his glowstick. "Who... oh never mind. If you'll get onto the cot, I'll be there in a second..." Providing that she gets the gown on, eventually. And all.

Lis, fortunately, doesn't see the glowstick - no doubt she'd be fleeing if it caught her eye. She's altogether too busy fussing with the robe and getting out of her leathers, buckle by agonizingly slow buckle, lace by 'how can there be so many holes?' lace. Finally, the robe is thrown on smock-like, and she demands to know, "Is it on right?"

Kariel glances over briefly, glowstick in hand as he snorts... "Uh... yeah." Sorta. Hehe. "Just lie on the cot, please, Lis?" And we'll get this over with as quickly as possible. Bangs fall into his face as always, but with hands redworted, he can't quite brush them out of the way... and thusly, he begins to blow them out of his face... or try to, at least. Without much luck.
Awkwardly, Lis settles into the cot, trying tuck the robe around herself as she flops down, trying to remember how this was done with Catia. "Sure, sure... Anything I can help you with?" wonders the greenrider, trying to peer down her belly at Kariel, fighting a grin - soon to be a giggle - at the Healer's amusing issue with his bangs.

Kariel peers from behind his golden shroud at her, nose crinkling as he simply deserts the idea of getting out of his face by his own means. "Um, Lis?" You love me, right? Flutter. "Couldja get the bags out of my face...? I can't... touch them... now that my hands are clean..." And cheeks begin their gradient ascent into crimson tones.

"Oh?" Lis raises a brow at Kariel as he begs shamelessly for her help, giggling effusively at the poor boy. "Oh, right." Leaning forward, the greenrider ignores the blushing boy as she flicks the bangs up and beyond his face, tucking a few behind his ear. "There," she states, flopping down again.

Kariel chuckles ever-so-nervously, shifting from side to side as he bites his bottom lip profusely. "Um. Thanks, Lis. Now... permission to examine you?" It's nicer to ask permission before just... /delving/ in, you know.

Quite. This is proffessional. "Oh, of course. Please. I'd rather like to know if, well, I'm pregnant," Lis admits a bit reluctantly, trying to mumble and trail off the word 'pregnant' as best she can. The greenrider slumps, splays, and tries to retain whatever dignity is still possible in the situation.

Not like this isn't a familiar picture to Kariel or anything. Moving down to examine already charted seas, he shines the glowtube and does that Healer-type-thang, tiny finger reaching inside to gently dab at the already forming plug. "Well... Lis?" Oh, boy.

"Yes...?" Lis tries to peer down at the region Kariel's examining, physically impossible as it is. "What is it? Yes or no, or can't you tell?" There's just the slightest edge of hysterical panic in the greenrider's voice, words coming out a little too fast.

Kariel wellls... gnawing on his bottom lip. "Don't hit me?" Or maul me. Or hate me. Or something like that. Wince.

Lis resists the impulse to fly up and demand a straight answer from Kariel, only demanding - through clenched teeth - "/What/ is it, already?" Greenrider huffs, peering down at the Healer boy with a fierce scowl. She's even starting with that fat little avian look when she's mad...

Kariel mmmphs loudly, standing up as he begins to timidly back away from the cot. "You're pregnant, there, Lis." The urge to once again prod "Who?" crosses his mind, but he doesn't, out of courtesy... instead scuttling to the sink to redwort his hands again. Squeek.

Of all the things to do and ways to react, Lis' sigh is probably one of the oddest. "Oh, thank Faranth," the rider states on an exhalation, relaxing back into the cot. Any more of this, and she'll be attempting to get another few candlemarks of sleep. "That's definately a relief. No Fall for another few sevendays, and then only with the queen's wing, and finally no more Fall 'till I pop. Tai'll roast me, though," murmurs Alymath's lifemate during the introspective burble.

<High Reaches Weyr> Alymath senses that she is all fluffy citrus and cotton candy, smug as any queen dragon clutching. << I told you so... >> she remarks to all and sundry. << She's done it again. >>

<High Reaches Weyr> Alymath senses that Erranth curls out a tendril of lazy harper blue, curiosity tinging colors purple.  << ..She who? >>

Kariel raises a brow at that reaction, stopping midstep as he furrows his brow. "So you're happy about it?" Usually the only ones who are happy are the ones who come in /with/ a significant other at their side...

<High Reaches Weyr> Alymath senses that she broadcasts an image of Lis looking gravid to the point of cartoonish folley, the green huffing with a prim crispness to her mellow voice. << My rider. Of course. >>

<High Reaches Weyr> Alymath senses that Erranth emits one single, blue-tinged thought--<< Ah. >>

"Sure, sure," Lis states perkily, a bit of spring in her movements as she rolls to the bed's side, heaving herself up to go search for her leathers. "I mean, the father doesn't even have to know, and Tai won't go into... nevermind." The greenrider bites that train of thought off as she starts to fasten her pants, idly wondering, "Am I allowed to get dressed?"

Kariel nods as he returns to the task of dousing his hands again, tilting his head as he keeps gaze on the greenrider, babbling onwards : "So... uh... any idea when it happened?" He could make guesses and all from Healer junk, but if she knows and all...

Lis shrugs on her jacket, only half-bothering to buckle the bodice - since it's back to snuggly sweaters once she hits her weyr! "Ah... well, I can only say it might have been that two months ago, in Ista. I was sort of... well, putting off my green stuff. I'd hoped maybe I'd just skip, or something, since I've been so thorough with it ever since Donis." Of course, all it ever takes is one time...

Kariel nods a bit, chuckling weakly... "Well... sorry to be the bearer of such news?" Hands scrubbed, he dries them with a towel and proceeds back towards that shiny desk of his. Well, that he shares with Keral. But still shiny. And neat.

"Thanks for the examination, Kariel!" Lis warbles over her shoulder, almost skipping out of the infirmary with a delighted giggle as she heads out to face the world, happily pregnant. An oxymoron, no?

Hinges squeak; fresh air cleanses herbal stench as you leave the infirmary.