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JULY 28,1999-Some big news coming out of Bayonne, seems like the city or some assholes that do not have a clue nor have been to 1 match ever are trying to ban JAPW from doing shows in Bayonne, for more information visit this website-- THE BAYONNE FAT CATS -VS- JERSEY ALL PRO WRESTLING--Check out this site and please help out our cause. Also just in case you haven't checked the photo gallery is almost 90% done just a few more to add, check it out and leave your opinion in the message board, later and have a strange day.

JULY 24, 1999-Well last night JAPW had their very first student show and it was a great success, all the students did a very good job and were very impressive. There was a nice crowd that came to see the future of JAPW. Everyone worked their ass off and it showed overall it could have been a succesful indy show any where else. If any one is intersted check out the webpage for 3 of JAPW's promising students, just click on the following link The Official Homepage of Feltch McTurdburglar, Cleveland Steamer, and Peter Pumper Not much else to go over, later.

JULY 18, 1999-Once again yours truly was in the press once again, WB channel 11 did a story on JAPW and showed many clips of my matches as well as an interview with me, and also this morning the NY Times did a story on JAPW, which we were the first indy promotion ever in the Times, they also had a picture and an interview once again. JAPW will be having a student show on the 23rd and Jay Lover and myself will be taking on 2 promising young students, Ric Hatchet, the only wrestler trained by a Ric Flair action figure and Peter Pumper, it should be very interesting to say the least. Not much else i am gonna go back to watch the ppv so have a strange day.

JULY 12, 1999-First off sorry for not updating the page like I should but I have been very busy. Well as you noticed the wrestling pictures are not up yet but I will do that as soon as I get some free time, also will add some last touchups to the website to finally complete it. Alot of news to go over, I will be one of the 6 guys in the suicidal cage barb wire match on August 29, as I was one of the last 6 in the hardcore rumble. Also just announced I will take on Homicide for his newly won JAPW Hvwt title on August 6 in the Hardcore Hall. As much as I hate him congrads he definitly deserves it. Also a nice touch to our last show was a tribute to the fallen Owen Hart, and special thanks to Mary Kate who made OH armbands for all the workers on the show, a touch of class from JAPW. Not much else to comment on so have a Strange Day.

JUNE 27, 1999-Well it has been a while so i will update everybody with whats going on, just got word that besides WB channel 11 and the Queen Latifa Show, that the Wall Street Journal will be at the Hardcore Hall on July 9, they wil all be there to do a story on JAPW and the poularity of wrestling. For all those asking, the wrestling pics will be up soon, i ran out of space and time, so bear with me it will be done soon and the wait will be worth it. Last week, my partner and I recaptured the UWC tag team titles, that makes us the first 2 time champs in UWC history. We defeated Nightmare Inc on a show that benefited the Brandon Flores Fund, a young man who was paralyzed in an accident, any one interested in donating money can visit the UWC website, which is in my links section. Also please visit the JAPW website and vote on their message board for the year end awards, their link is also in my links section. Not much else so have a strange day.

JUNE 16, 1999-Not much going on, just thought i would update for the few that actually can get on the site before it is done, damn i thought by now it would be done but i have been very busy, but i think the wait is worth it. I went to the LIWF show in Queens last week and was very impressed by the students and the workers on the show, good job guys. Also JAPW has been in the news alot lately, besides our news special on UPN channel 9, we just had an article about JAPW in the Jersey Journal, there was a good pic of yours truley right on the front page, and a picture of my fireball on the back, the story itself let a little too much about my personal life get out but what the hell it was a good story and got seen by a lot of people, including those at WB channel 11, who will now be filming at The Hardcore Hall July 9th, to do a story on us at JAPW. Also at the LIWF show Lou Diamond and myself were interviewed by a new talk show coming out, The Queen Latifa Show, they will be doing a big show on wrestling and will also be taping July 9th as well as using some of our past clips. I think JAPW is on the verge of exploding right now, and with this much news coverage and press, we are on the verge of breaking away from all the other independent promotions and take that next step in the growing process. Well thats it I promiss the page will be done soon, stay tuned and have a Strange Day!!!.

MAY 23, 1999-Last night wrestling lost one of it's greatest stars in a tragic accident. I never knew or met Owen but he is still a "brother" to us all in this business and i would like to wish his family all the best and god bless owen and the entire Hart family.

MAY 22, 1999-Last night we had a hell of a barb wire match in Bayonne NJ, I want to give credit to my partner Lou Diamond, and my opponents Homicide, and Kane D for putting on the match of a lifetime for a very appreciative JAPW crowd. This match saw barb wire, weapons, garbage cans, barb wire bats, chairs, tables, and even fire balls in what was the most insane match ever in the Hardcore Hall.

MAY 10,1999-Well here is the first post since my page has been updated, I will try to update this page once a week on Mondays, if i have no news or anything to talk about i guess i will talk about the Monday night shows and anything else that might come up. This weekend i will be wrestling Derek Star in the UWC, in Yardville NJ. This is my first meeting with him and revenge is on my mind since him and the Karetaker defeated The Orphan and I for the UWC Tag Team Titles two weeks ago and injured my partner in the process. Monday Night Raw was awesome tonight, i thought it was a great show, Brisco and Patterson were so damn funny coming out to Hogans old music, classic stuff. Lawler too every five seconds wanting to see puppies, this is going to be the next big phrase or thing in wrestling...guaranteed. Just a quick reminder, only 9 days till Star Wars, I can't wait. Well i guess that is it, see ya next week and hope you like the new look of the page, later and have a STRANGE DAY.