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Welcome to the Glenn Strange Webpage and thank you for visiting my site. This section is going to be sort of a history lesson explaining how I got into the wrestling business. My aspirations to become a wrestler started like most others, as a little kid I was a huge fan and I dreamed of being in the "squared circle", my first memory of wrestling was Tully Blanchard destroying Scott Casey and leaving him a bloody mess, to this day that image is so vivid in my mind, it left a very strong impression, and while most little kids would have been scared, I was intrigued and wanted to see more. Some of my other childhhod memories that stuck with me were the begining of The Road Warriors, Snuka versus Don Muraco, and Sgt. Slaughters boot camp matches with The Iron Sheik, there are so many more but I would fill up this site. It is because of these memories and the way it made me feel that deep down inside I wanted to become a pro wrestler. Over the years my interest in wrestling faded, but then in high school I joined the wrestling team. My interest peaked again when I got to experience and feel for the first time what it was like to perform in front of a large crowd. The feeling I got was electric and it is something I will never forget. Once again these feelings brought out something inside that made me want to be a pro wrestler. I wasn't alone because during practice before the coaches got there, we would have "pro matches", and if our coach found out he would have run us for hours. It was during this time that my dream was the strongest, but I received absolutely no encouragement from anyone, not from family and not from friends, in fact I was actually laughed at and people took it as a joke. I couldn't find one person who thought it was a good idea. So once again wrestling and my dream went to the back burner. I entered the "real world", I started college and began working full time, then one night while working late in a bar I saw something on the tv that changed my life forever, it was early ECW. I saw a style of wrestling that I had never saw before and it reminded me of a kid when i saw Scott Casey a bloody mess. My interset in wrestling was once again sparked, and a few weeks later I found myself in Philly watching my first live wrestling in years. Over time I became friends with some of the wrestlers and my dream of becoming a pro wrestler was soon to be finaly realized. I was told about a school in New Jersey, and in June of 1997 I became a student at Iron Mike Sharpes School of Pro Wrestling. It was there I learned how to take a bump in the hardest ring known to man. I spent many nights training and working my butt of to realize my dream. I got to train and learn from some of the very best such as Bam Bam Bigelow, SuperNova, Ace Darling, The Blue Meanie, and many many more. I had my first match after only 3 months, at the time I knew I wasn't ready, but I was so anxious I did it anyway. My first match was a battle royal for the EWA and I got to experience first hand what it was like to perform in front of a large crowd and now I was most definitly hooked. I continued to train at Sharpes and in December of 1997 I heard of Jersey All Pro, and started to train at there school. It was there where I adapted a more hardcore style and in May of 1998, I got my big break and wrestled my first match for JAP. I was put right into one of the main groups and in a short period of time I became one of the most hardcore wrestlers in JAP. My moment of truth or my big test came when I got a broken nose from a chair shot from Balls Mahoney, and continued to finish the match and get pumelled despite a ton of blood loss. Since my debut in JAP I have gotten much more work for other promotions such as UWC, EPW, PFP, BRAWL, NEWF, ACW, and IWW. I have had decent success and hope to continue on in the right direction and hopefully leave my mark on the wrestling world and achieve all my goals.