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These are rumors going around and here you can find out if there true or NOT!!
#1- Hanson is realeasing "Thinking of You"?
    Yes, but not in the US!!

#2- Zac is going to quit the band and join the 
    Air Force!!
    AHHH.....NO!! I don't think he's even old 

#3- Zac is getting married to a girl who kissed 
    him on the cheek at a concert!!
    I would say...NO!! He's only 12 people!!
#4- Tay has to go to a guidance counsler!
    I have no clue, but WOW it's not that big!!

#5- The girl in the I Will Come to You video 
    is Ike's girlfriend!!
    I don't know, but if so good for him!!

#6- Hanson is going to be in a Lees Jeans!!
    I don't know they haven't said anything yet!!
#7- They will star in a Mcdonalds commercial 
    due to air in May!!
    I don't think so, but I can't be sure!!
