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The Wolf Pack

"Mess with one of the pack, then you've got us all on your back."

The Wild Dogs


Pockets' Page
Status of each Wolf Pack Member
Shades of Death Road
Old Wolf's Page--has information about REAL wolves

Wolf Pack Adventures told by Blade

P'burg Mall
Bridge Water Commons
A fun night
I love my job

As an earsplitting howl pierces the night . . . a chill runs down your spine as you see the Wolf Pack pull into the area. Cecil is usually in the lead, with the fastest car. Following him is Kit and his girl, Kat. Thunder is right behind. Blade and Ice, who are never seen apart take up the rear.
Blade has recently gotten his car, which has been named H.O.W. or "Hell On Wheels." This suits him perfectly. If you hear a howl, Ozzy or Metalica blasting, Blade and Ice are near. When Pockets is home in the "Burg", he usually rides with Blade and Ice, or Thunder...... Ice, Cecil, and Chad are the main fighters of the group, but Blade, if neccesary, provides the weapons, such as knives, baseball bats, pool cues, etc. Blade is famous for his belt knife . . . it looks like a regular belt, until the knife is unsheathed.

Beware the anger in our eyes