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The Wolf Pack

This deals with Kat's ex-boyfriend Joe

Kit and kat have been seeing each other for about 5 months now, and they have been having some problems. The main problem goes by the name of Joe. Joe is about 30 years old, and is hated by all members of the Wolf Pack. There has been great controversy dealing with Kat's faithfulness towards Kit. I am convinced that their love is true and unbreakable. But back to Joe... He has been threatening Kit, and if you mess with one of the Pack, you got us all on your back. Ice got into Joe's face one day, and Joe was going to hit him. Ice is not yet 18 and Joe would be in big trouble. Joe was also chasing after Ice, slipped and fell on his ass. We all got a kick out of it. But if Joe would have hit Ice, he would have more to worry about than the law. . . and that is the Law of The Pack.
